Page 60 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 60

•   Hepatitis B shots            Original Medicare Part B covers Covid
                                                                                  vaccines, regardless of whether you
                                                 •  COVID-19 vaccines
                                                                                  have Original Medicare or a Medicare
               Spot                            every flu season. Th e flu season usually   red, white, and blue Medicare card with
            Senior          Medicare Part B covers one flu shot
                                                                                  Advantage Plan. You should bring your

                                                                                  you to your vaccination appointment,
                                               runs from November through April.
                                               Depending on when you choose to get   even if you have a Medicare Advantage
                                               your flu shot, Medicare may cover a   Plan. The Food and Drug Administration

                    Senior Moments             flu shot twice in one calendar year. For   (FDA) has approved an additional dose

                     by Mary Moran             example, if you got a shot in January   of the COVID-19 vaccine or booster for
                       410-829-2535/ 410-490-3078  2021 for the 2020/2021 flu season, you   certain populations. Over the past two

                                               could get another shot in October 2021   months, Map/ SHIP continues to receive
            I know we are all a bit burnt out on   for the 2021/2022 fl u season.  notifications of unvaccinated neighbors

            vaccination conversation, but now that                                who have died, continue to be deathly
            many are choosing to not wear masks   Pneumonia is an infection that targets   ill, or are suff ering from the long-term
            the risk of getting sick from colds, sore   the lungs and can cause fever, diffi  culty   effects of this vicious virus due to
            throats, and the “regular” seasonal fl u is   breathing, and other symptoms.   choosing not to be vaccinated. Th is is
            very real. Let’s remember that masking   Pneumonia shots help prevent   a worldwide pandemic. It is a scientifi c
            protects us from diseases other than   pneumonia. Medicare Part B covers   fact and health related issue with a
            Covid! It is not the only airborne   two separate pneumonia vaccines.   scientific solution, not a political ploy.

            disease out there, and Caroline County   Part B covers the first shot if you have   Vaccinations prevent hospitalizations
            is hacking and coughing already, so be   never received Part B coverage for a   and death. Vaccinations got rid of Polio
            smart and mask up this winter! We are   pneumonia shot before. You are covered   so let’s attack this sucker with vaccines,
            a sharing community but do not want   for a diff erent, second vaccination one   too! I urge you to call 410-479-5880 for
            to share our germs, so lets examine how   year aft er receiving the fi rst shot. You   info and an appointment.
            to protect ourselves and each other this   are not required to provide a vaccination
            winter!                            history when receiving the pneumonia   Thankfully, due to the availability
                                               vaccine. You can verbally tell the health   of Covid vaccinations and boosters,
            Remember that Medicare covers      care professional administering the shot   going into “Covid” Christmas part
            vaccines and immunizations in      if/when you have received past shots.  two deserves caution, but not the
            two ways. Medicare Part D covers                                      fear and isolation of last year. All
                                               Hepatitis B is a virus that attacks the
            most vaccinations. However, some                                      eligible adults who are vaccinated are
                                               liver and can cause chronic liver disease.
            vaccinations are instead covered by                                   protecting family members who are
                                               Hepatitis B shots can help prevent the
            Part B:                                                               too young to be vaccinated, or who
                                               disease. Medicare Part B covers the
              •  Infl uenza (flu) shots, including   hepatitis B vaccine if you are high to   have health conditions prohibiting the

                both the seasonal flu vaccine and   medium risk. If you are at low risk for   vaccination. For those planning on

                the H1NI (swine fl u) vaccine   hepatitis B, the shot will be covered   large multigenerational gatherings, the
                                                                                  availability of self-administered rapid
              •   Pneumococcal (pneumonia) shots  under Part D.
                                                                                  tests the morning of your gathering is
                                                                                  your best bet to protect those too young to
                          TURNING 65?                                             be inoculated and can prevent the spread
                                                                                  of this still deadly virus. Adding rapid
               Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options?                   Covid tests to your Christmas giving list

                                                                                  is probably not your first thought, but it
                                   Let Me Help You!
                                                                                  could save Great Grandads life, or spare
                                                                                  that precious infant you love so much
                                                                                  from the horrors of Covid.
                          Anthony Insurance Services
                                                                                  On another note, our Senior Center
                          Ann M. Anthony                                          fall/winter session classes have started
                                                                                  and it’s so good to see our seniors
                                                                                  coming back and enjoying exercise
                    Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans,                  and ceramics.  To join in on the fun,
                  Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans,                our next semester classes will begin in
                                                                                  2022. Blood Pressure screenings are
               Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance
               Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 •  once a month with Anne Clucas. Lunch
                           22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629                   is served Monday, Wednesday and
                                                                                  Friday at Noon as well as Tuesdays and
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