Page 14 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 14

step challenge. And at times, therapy has included hands-on
                         THANK YOU                            massage. “Charlie realized I had a knot in the muscle. He used
                    for allowing me to serve you              a massage technique to work it out, and that helped me move
                                                              with less strain and stress,” Levengood says.
                     as your Register of Wills.
                                                              “Every injury and surgery is different, and every patient is
                                                              diff erent,” says Moore. “To provide physical therapy that really
                                                              helps, you have to understand the patient’s overall health and
                                Jim Phelps, Register of       strength, how well they are healing, and what their normal
                                Wills for Caroline County     activities are.”

                                                              The challenge for Levengood now is to find the time to do his

                                           In God
                                           We Trust           home exercises, and, equally important, to avoid doing too much
                                                              too soon. “Taking honey off the hives the other day, I just stood

                                                              too long and lifted too much. I get a lot of pain in my knee cap,

                  Merry Christmas &
                  Merry Christmas &                           and it seems I might need a cortisone shot. But I just have so
                                                              many things I’ve got to do – I mean, it’s time to cut soybeans. And
                    Happy New Year
                    Happy New Year                            I’m also spending time at the fi rehouse. The other night when I

                                                              got home it was almost 10 o’clock,” he says.
                                                              Moore has told his patient that while his leg has gotten much
                                                              stronger, full recovery will take a few more months. “Charlie’s
                    2020                    2021              done well for me. He says I’m 77 percent there but I think I’m 80
                                                              or 85 percent there,” Levengood says. “Shore Regional Health has
                                                              been good to Caroline County. I was excited when we opened the
                                                              medical pavilion here and I’m glad to be getting my therapy here.”

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