Page 18 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 18

DOLLARS AND SENSE                                               by Tolbert Rowe

                              Looking at life as it was seen eight months ago.

            Finding it exceedingly diffi  cult to write   toilets. I had been kept apprised of the   But a lack of toilet paper, or I should
            anything real positive about what is   run on toilet paper about four days   say a fear of needing something when
            happening in our country I fi nd some   before by my daughter and just about   it is not available has had the eff ect of
            comfort in looking at life as I saw it   anyone on Facebook.          making us all desperate for product
            eight months ago. At the beginning of                                 when we fear none will be available.
                                               The craziness of our world shutting
            the coronavirus pandemic. Before the                                  As if some evil Penguin in a Batman
                                               down until at least the end of March,
            vitriol, threats of doom and gloom if                                 movie will hoard all the toilet paper in
                                               coupled with the apparent onslaught
            one voted for the other, and the divisive                             the world and make us come begging
                                               of massive gastrointestinal distress, or
            presidential election drove a wedge of                                on hands and knees for “just one roll”.
                                               maybe it would be the closing of all
            distrust between Americans not seen
                                               toilet paper mills in the United States,   The current panic in our country is real,

            in generations. Brother against brother,
                                               had  forced otherwise reasonable people   whether based on a real threat or one
            sister against sister, child against parent,
                                               to hoard any brand of toilet paper.   blown out of proportion. Perception
            lifetime friends against lifetime friends.
                                               Connoisseurs of Charmin, Cottonelle   has very much become reality and the
            Such is the result of the Presidential
                                               or Scott suddenly and without excuse   shutting down of all things sports or
            election of 2020.
                                               accepted anything.  Quilted, with or   crowd-like along with acute awareness
            Groupthink and conspiracy theorists   without cleaning ripples even generic   that a virus is among us that is
            have paralyzed our country.  There is no   for gosh sakes. If it resembled a tissue   transmitted through human contact

            “US” in the “USA” anymore.         and it came on a 4-inch roll regardless   has forced us all into a state of acute
                                               of how many sheets it contained, single   self-awareness.
            As I sit here in mid-March and     or double roll, it was now fair game.
            contemplate the changing of the world   I passed a gentleman coming out of   Maybe everyone can just be more aware
            as I know it, I have absolutely no idea   Walmart with an entire shopping cart of   of their hygiene, wash hands, stay home
            what the world will  look like when your   toilet paper, which I must say was very   when not feeling well and seek medical
            eyes  actually read what I am about to   disheartening to me, knowing we are   help when certain conditions exist. Or
            put on paper.                                                         maybe our government, Federal and
                                               down to only one roll per toilet.
                                                                                  State, needs to step in and mandate
            Not since making the trek to Memorial   When confronted by the lady in front   the closing of certain public facilities
            Stadium for an Orioles game, without   of me who exclaimed “come on, you are   and the ending of all things that draw
            stopping for a bathroom break, and   really selfish” the man’s prompt response   a crowd.  By the time you read this

            finally making it to the men’s room,   was, “we have a lot of poopy at our   we will have a better idea of how well
            have I experienced such absolute relief   house”.  Personally, I would like to think   government actions have impacted the
            and joy.  I was on my weekly trek to   he was purchasing TP for everyone in   spread of Coronavirus.
            Walmart today with the added pressure   his family or neighborhood and not
            of knowing that we only had three rolls   going to put it on Ebay for $5 a roll.  Governor Hogan’s unprecedented
            of toilet paper in a house with three                                 decision to close schools for the last
                                                                                  two weeks of March (I am very hopeful
              “Your Mortgage Consultant Since 1985”                               that was long enough) was done as a
                                                                                  defensive move. Because schools, and
                                                                                  school activities are the single largest
             Purchase or Refinance                                                venue where hundreds if not thousands
                                                                                  of people both young and old interact
                                                                                  daily. And it is through this interaction
                                                                                  that the virus is spread.
                                                                                  The impact of Coronavirus on our
              115 E Dover St. Ste 3 - Easton, MD                                  economy will be signifi cant.  Airlines
                                                                                  and Cruise lines are losing millions
                    C. Tolbert Rowe,      every day.  Walt Disney will lose
           NMLS         Vice President/Lending  hundreds of millions by closing of
                                                                                  theme parks and hospitals, including
               410-819-3005  /  cell 410-310-3520                                 those in our area, are at capacity.
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