Page 22 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 22



            Quietchild Properties, LTD to Karen
            Clark, 107 School Street, Unit 3-C,
            Greensboro, $102,900.
            Manish Realty Corporation to
            Chandan Enterprise, Inc., 101 Maple
            Avenue, Preston, $100,000.
                                                     4FQUJD 5BOL $MFBOJOH t %SBJO -JOF 4FSWJDF
            Philip J. Torre to Donna Lee Baumann,
                                                      )JHI 1SFTTVSF +FUUJOH  7JEFP 1JQFMJOF *OTQFDUJPO
            1137 Osprey Lane, Denton, $240,000.
                                                              4UPSN %SBJOT   $VMWFSUT $MFBOFE
            Amanda Lee Adams to Alfred B.                        -JET  3JTFST  (PVMET 1VNQT
            Saathoff and Stevi H. Saathoff , 627

            Camp Road, Denton, $155,000.                   24 Hour Emergency Service!
                                                            .3 3005&3 t XXX NSSPPUFSNEEF DPN
            Stephen Paul Kasulke, Jr. to Brandon
            Galloway, 322 Fleetwood Road,
            Denton, $300,000.
            Michael L. Connell and Donna J.            T&J
            Connell to Anthony Vincent Romano,
            11078 Central Avenue, Ridgely,        STUMP
            Bradley A. Schultz, Sr. to Jason K.   GRINDING
            Leyda and Donna G. Leyda, 23031        FREE Estimates
            Fleming Road, Denton, $289,000.
                                                 Tim & Jason Schreiber
            Natalie A. DeWitt to Chelsea
                                                25490 Piney Branch Lane
            Louise Dyes and Alexander Javier
                                                   Denton, MD 21629    410-479-5517     443-786-7471
            Roblero, 3666 Idlewild Court Road,
            Federalsburg, $179,000.
            George Wayne Hudson to David H.
            Salisbury, 8109 Laurel Lane, Denton,                                    Exterior Specialist
            $345,000.                                                             Roofing | Siding | Gutters
                                                                                      Skylights and more
            Howard C. Andrew, Jr. and Stacey M.
            Andrew to George C. Marshall, 25439
            Towers Road, Denton, $218,000.                                       Over 20+ Years Experience
            Taylor Wilson Lord to Monque C.                                      Licensed & Insured       MHIC#01285
            Tate, 304 Liberty Road, Federalsburg,                                     443-722-2760

            James J. Hall, III and Kendle N. Hall to         @KDRContractingLLC    PO Box 866, Ridgely, MD 21660
            Todd Stevenson, 6897 Statum Road,
            Preston, $275,000.
                                               John Andrew Betch, Sr. and Peggy H.   William H. Lednum and Tammy
            Ginger M. Lockhart to John Kemp,   Betch to Maurillio Gabriel Tomas,   S. Lednum to Martin K. Dori and
            210 Second Street, Ridgely, $35,000.  26150 Shultz Road, Henderson,   Colleen J. Dori, 26446 Baker Road,
                                               $95,000.                          Denton, $425,000.
            Jane E. Tull to William Barrett Lord,
            27309 Willin Lane, Federalsburg,   Wendell L. Meredith to Amanda     Martin K. Dori to Lisa Alynne Matson
            $12,000.                           Renee Smith, 26180 Auction Road,   and Camille Luanne Sechrist, 23159
                                               Federalsburg, $195,500.           Tuckahoe Springs Drive, Denton,
            Kevin P. O’Neil and Anne Frances
            O’Neil to Michael Jeff ery Good,    James L. Bruns to Francis E. Schultz

            Theresa W. Good and Dustin Good,   and Norma L. Schultz, 15 South 8th   Jason L. Bell to Sammie Kai Harris and
            7099 Dogwood Drive, Preston,       Street, Denton, $159,000.         Christopher Allan Breen, Henry Road,
            $380,000.                                                            Lot H1, Ridgely, $65,000.
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