Page 26 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 26
Queen Anne’s hearth and home. Some of the selections peake Hearing Centers, Soistman Family
will include: Mele Kalikimaka, Family Dentistry, Liberty Technical Services
Chorale Virtual Christmas Medley, Winter Wonderland, and Shore Bancshares.
Holiday Concert Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, For more information, go to www.qacho-
and I’ll Be Home for Christmas. You can also call 443-262-8146.
Broadcasts on Radio and Website
Since we cannot offer a regular concert Queen Anne’s Chorale is supported in
The Queen Anne’s Chorale is proud at Chesapeake College and sell tickets, part through grants from the United
to announce their upcoming Holiday this nostalgic program of “Christmas Way of Queen Anne’s County, the Queen
Concert. While no one is conducting Reflections” will also be a fund-raiser. Anne’s County Centre for the Arts,
face to face rehearsals, QAC has been A few sing-along selections, singer testi- and the Maryland State Arts Council,
using a website for music and practic- monials, and “shout-outs” to acknowl- an agency dedicated to cultivating a
ing via Zoom. As the sound engineers edge our sponsors and grantors will be vibrant cultural community where the
continue to blend the voice, the Chorale included with the usual repertoire and arts thrive.
has entered into an agreement with narration.
96.7 WCEI of Easton to broadcast the A Select Ensemble and soloists will
Holiday Concert on the radio and their provide extra music that will make you
website smile. The audience will also be asked to
The concerts will air on December 14 sing along on several pieces.
and 19 at 7 PM and Sunday, December
20 at 4 PM. The Board would also like to thank our
numerous supporters. Also, they would
Be musically transported back in time like to thank our Corporate Sponsors
for a nostalgic celebration of the holi- who continue to support the Chorale’s
day. Norman Rockwell paintings and mission. Corporate sponsors are: Service
lithographs by Currier & Ives will set the Today, Acts Retirement-Life/Heron
mood as Queen Anne’s Chorale presents Point, Koons Toyota Easton, Chesa-
seasonal favorites which refl ect family,
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