Page 24 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 24


                Choptank Excavating, LLC

                                                 Sitework  •  Utilities
                                               Demolition  •  Driveways
                                             Septics  •  Screened Topsoil           PLASTIC CASING
                                                       Fill Dirt                            WELLS
                                                   Recycled Concrete                 Commerical/Residential
                                                  Millings  •  Hauling                     & Irrigation

                                802 Crystal Ave, Denton, MD                               Also   Gould
                    Fax: 410-479-1232       410-479-1223                                         Pumps

                                                                                         Lifetime Well
                                                                                          Call Kenny Wood

                                                                                 Donny M. Holmes to Mark Edward
                                                                                 Butcher, 216 Apple Lane, Preston,
                                                                                 William G. Callaway and Nalinda L.
                                                                                 Callaway to Nichole Meredith, 2578
                                                                                 Hill Top Road, Federalsburg, $255,000.
                                                                                 Jessica M. Omohundro and Bryan C.
                                                                                 Omohundro to Ricky Dukes, Jr. and
                                                                                 Leah Dukes, 230 Main Street, Preston,
                                                                                 The Estate of Edward William Terry

                                                                                 to Steven G. Comes and Beverly Ann
            Parks and Harfeld Enterprises, LLC   Daniel B. Foster to Kimberly L. Smith   Comes, 3800 Federalsburg Road,
            to Jared William Cody Kraft  and   and Andrew G. Smith, Lot 3 on plat   Federalsburg, $190,000.
            Courtney Williams, 26463 Boyce Mill   9/28 situate on New Bridge Road,   Samuel R. Kaufman and Joan Marie
            Road, Greensboro, $95,572.         Denton, $245,000.                 Kaufman to Stephen A. Jesatko and
            Raoul Alvarez and Regina Alvarez to   Jason M. Toth and Danielle L. Toth to   Jennifer Jesatko, 8525 Briar Patch
            Carl C. Lynn and Tammy C. Lynn, 219   George W. Hudson, 5510 Drummer   Drive, Denton, $359,000.
            Briarwood Circle, Denton, $160,000.  Drive, Preston, $292,900.       Patricia A. Lazik to Daniel Clarence
            George J. Lambros, Jr. and Debra L.   Fiona M. Squirrell to Glenn R.   Hutchison and Jana L. Hutchison,
            Lambros to Jeffrey M. Palmore and   Baughman and Bethanne Baughman,   14690 Oakland Road, Ridgely,

            Patricia C. Palmore, Smith Landing   Zion Road, Marydel, $95,000.    $350,000.
            Road, Denton, $164,000.                                              James W. Lewis, Jr. and Jacqueline
                                               Sandra Jean Lerner and Wallace H.
            Charles Lester Kibler, Jr. to Lydia   Lerner, Jr. to Nicholas R. Stout and   Urban Takacs to Lisa Schlosser and
            L. Dixon, 27430 Sandtown Road,     Kristina D. Stout, 14031 Cantor Court,   Sherri Brown, Drapers Mill Road,
            Goldsboro, $65,000.                Queen Anne, $361,500.             Greensboro, $50,000.

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