Page 20 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 20

My hope is that by the time you read
                                                                                 this our children are back in school
                                                                                 and businesses and government are
                                                                                 open and operating as usual. And that
                                                                                 the actions taken by our national and
                Because you deserve qqualified, llocal representation            state leaders are viewed as necessary to
                                                                                 protect the well-being of all Americans,
                      when managing life’s important issues.                     and not seen as a political event where
                                                                                 one side wins and another side loses.
               ?  ESTATE PLANNING                                                At this point, in Mid-March 2020 the
               ?  RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL                 300 Market Street     Coronavirus outbreak has made us all
                                                              Suite 104
                  REAL ESTATE AND SETTLEMENTS               Denton, Maryland     losers regardless of political affi  liation
                                                                                 or philosophy.
               ?  LLC FORMATION & BUSINESS LAW                 21629
               ?  MUNICIPAL & ENVIRONMENTAL LAW                                  PS: I was able to secure toilet paper
               ?  GENERAL LEGAL COUNSEL                     410.310.1774         from Walmart Manager Bill Duff y, who
                                                                                 stated that managers could use their
                Our attorney, Patrick Thomas, and our Settlement  own discretion regarding rationing.
               Agent, Sandy Hayman, are available to travel to your  Many thanks to Bill and his associates
                           preferred location.                                   for diligently moving product to the

                                                                                 floor as it became available.
                ADULT CARE                     Not only do mortgage rates at historically   Now here we are eight months later, the
                                               low levels provide an opportunity for
                                                                                 greatest nation the world has ever seen.
                                               homeowners to refinance but it also   The bastion of Democracy for the entire

                     Mid-Shore                 makes it a great time to buy a home.   world.  Prepared for any threat, military
                  Residential Care             The National Association of Realtors   or otherwise with the greatest armed
                                               reports between two to three months   services and scientific community
                  Compassionate Care in        of inventory currently available for   standing ready to address any entity
                 Your Home for 24 Years        sale which is a historically low number   seeking to do us harm.
                                               going into the Spring buying season.
                                                                                 2020 will be a year to remember, that is
                                               More buyers than sellers means prices
                    CNA’s • Sitters                                              for sure. No matter how hard we try we
                                               will not be falling and, in many cases,
                    RN Evaluations                                               will not soon forget what has happened
                                               aggressively priced homes are going
                   Meal Preparation            under contract quickly.           this year. Many loved ones have died
                  Home Health Aids                                               not only from Covid19 itself but also

                                               If you are a first-time buyer, now is not   from its paralyzing affect on the delivery

                 Residential Cleaning
                                               the time to think you will find a seller   of health care services. The more the

                                               willing to significantly discount their   system must focus on COVID-19 the
                                               home, especially if you are seeking   fewer resources available for those
                                               closing cost assistance. Nor is it a time to   needing other services.
                     410-820-1131              tell your agent you will look at the home
             next week.  You need to be prepared to   My hope for everyone during this
                                                                                 Christmas season is that we can find
                                               look at a home as quickly as you can
                                                                                 comfort in God’s love for all of us,

            your home. The appraised value of your   when it comes on the market, and you
                                                                                 regardless of the various characteristics
            home can be the difference between   need to be prepared to pay close to list

                                                                                 that define who we are. We are all one
            being able to successfully refi nance and   price if your agent advises that the home
                                                                                 people in God’s kingdom.
            having to stick with what you have.  is aggressively priced.
                                                                                 Mr. Rowe is Vice President/Lending for
            Being local I have a library of appraisals    The economic impact of  the
            both for purchases and refi nances that   Coronavirus shutdown will impact   Bay Capital Mortgage Corp. with offi  ces
            have been done in the area in the last   everyone. The closing of schools   in Easton and Annapolis. He has lived in
            6-12 months that can give me a good   in Maryland for 2 weeks will be a   Caroline for his entire life and supports
            idea of a possible value range for your   significant inconvenience for many   the county by volunteering in a variety of
            home. If I feel uncertain about a range   working families. The challenge of   ways. He currently lives near Greensboro
            of value for a home, I suggest the   finding childcare at a time when there   with his wife Jeanne and daughter Kelsey.

            homeowner reach out to their realtor   is a lack of quality childcare even when
            and ask their opinion about what they   our children are in school will require
            feel the value of their home will be.    some working parents to stay home.
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