Page 30 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 30
to start getting ready for the holiday the Caroline County Council of Arts
season! This event is free, but regis- Facebook page. Literary pieces will be
tration is required to save your spot! posted on Facebook as received from
We will be assigning time slots. Social December 1 to 18 and will be chosen
distancing and masks will be required. by the number of likes a piece receives.
The Artsway is located in downtown Dates: Last day for submissions will be
Denton. Demonstrations and activities December 18. Winners announced on
from a variety of artists are typically held December 30.
CCCA’s Community at The Foundry community arts gallery
Art Gallery (401 Market St.), FACES (7 N. Fourth Prizes: There will be one winner per
category. Prizes will be a gift certifi cate
St.) and/or at the Community Demon-
401 Market Street, Denton to a Foundry Art class.
stration Garden (behind FACES). We
Noon - 5 PM Wednesday – Friday
hope to see you there!
10 AM - 3 PM Saturday Enter our Literary contest!!
Categories: Adult, Elementary, Junior Art Classes
Virtual Performance Series
High School, High School.
Watch for these performances at noon
Entries must be original, unpublished We are offering our online kids’ classes
on the Caroline County Council of Arts
and unproduced. Any piece posted taught by Foundry artists! We will be
Facebook page sponsored by Provi-
online, anywhere other than a personal using the Zoom platform and off ering
dent State Bank, Avery Hall Insurance
blog, is considered published. them on Tuesday, 5:15-6:30 PM.
Group, Blough’s Seafood, Tri Gas & Oil
and Preston Automotive Group and the Entries will be published on Facebook December 15, 5:15-6:30 PM: Sculpt
Maryland State Arts Council! in the order that they are received. Liter- a silly snowman with local ceramic
ary pieces must be considered “family teacher and expert funny face maker
December 5- Breath of Fresh Air Foundry Artist Dawn Malosh. In this
December 12- Sammati Dance Troupe friendly”. CCCA reserves the right to
reject work not deemed suitable for the class, participants will get a chance to
Featured Artist public. CCCA also reserves the right to observe professional sculpting meth-
Kimberly Gadow publish the work on our social media ods while creating funny faces and silly
platform and website. By submitting poses for their own unique silly snow-
Medium: Photography an entry, you are accepting these terms. man character. Snowman sculptures / 410--924-7718 from this class can be used as holiday
All entries must be submitted by email ornaments or thoughtful handmade
Ki mb e r ly, a at with the Subject holiday gift s. The supplies for this class,
Delmarva native Line: “CCCA Literary Contest, Cate- polymer clay, tools, etc., will be available
and na tu re gory, Last Name” Please submit your for pick up from the Foundry in Denton
girl at hear t, literary piece as a .doc, .docx, .pdf fi le, or the Aesthetic Alternatives Art Studio
is a published or in a text email. Contact information in Preston prior to class. Completed
amateur photog- must include name, address and phone sculptures will require baking in a home
rapher and writer. number to be considered for a prize. oven with parental supervision and the
Students must send their entry by an
She is self-taught and spends her free instructions provided.
outside email service and include their
time nurturing her passion for wildlife
grade level. Student submissions using Wed., December 16, 3-5 PM and
and nature through photography, writ-
their student public school account will Mon., December 21, 3-4:30 PM, Fairy
ing and creating her own natural body
be blocked by the school system email, Garden Mosaic Class: Make a fairy
care. All photographs are of something
and we will not receive it. garden stone to put inside or outside
in nature. These include fauna, fl ora, and
with Foundry Artist Joanne Gelles.
landscape. Judging: There will be two winners
Participants will design and glue their
for adults. Judging for adults will be
Kimberly’s work is available for sale at design. In the second class they will
conducted by a panel of Caroline County
the Foundry. finish their garden mosaic with water-
artists and by viewers on Facebook.
proof grout. This class will be taught
Second Saturday at the Artsway There will be one student winner in each
inside using social distancing and wear-
grade category. Student winners will be
Join us at the Foundry on Saturday, ing masks. $25/CCCA Members, $30/
picked by viewers on Facebook. Judging
December 12, 1-3 PM, and create your Non-Members, $10 for the supply kit.
criteria will include clarity, strength of
own printed giftwrap with Foundry
theme, use of language, originality, and To register, go to https://carolinearts.
Artist Joanne Gelles. This is a great way
creativity. All entries will be posted on org/classes-events/.