Page 35 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 35

posthumously, Julie Quick, Jeanne Scott, Jennifer Shull, Beth   Next year holds the promise of endless possibilities for all of

            Terhorst, Rich Warfield and Gerry Warner – we honor and   us. We are very hopeful for a brighter year and a return to a
            thank you! By being that caring consistent adult in a child’s life,   serene routine – one that includes being connected with our
            these volunteers have been the certainty in uncertain times.     friends and loved ones again. Our volunteers and the Caroline

            Their determination to adapt to new methods of advocacy   County community are resilient, tenacious and committed to
            to continue working in the best interest of children in foster   supporting healthy families and the children we serve. Regard-
            care is truly inspirational. We will be recognizing each of our   less of what 2021 brings, CASA of Caroline, its volunteers
            volunteers with a yard sign and this year’s CASA of Caroline   and its Community Partners will continue to work in the best

            keepsake Christmas ornament. The ornaments were made by   interest of all Caroline County children to ensure every one
            Kiln Born and are for sale for $15 each. Supplies are limited so   of them has a safe, permanent, loving home in which they can
            don’t wait!  To purchase an ornament, please contact us through   thrive.  We wish you a safe, happy and healthy Holiday Season!
            our newly designed website,, call us at
                                                                                             (continued on next page)
            410-479-8301 or email Amy at
                                                                                         FOR SALE

                                                                    Sweet Potatoes

                                                                                $15 for half bushel

                                                                      Denton, MD   410-479-2715 or 410-829-2168

            CASA of Caroline Keepsake Christmas ornament is for
            sale for $15. Supplies are limited.

                                                                      13699 Greensboro Rd., Greensboro, MD

                                                                    “Impacting Caroline County and beyond
                            INVITES YOU TO:                         with the love of Christ for eternal gain”
                  CHRISTKINDLMARKT                                        Welcoming guests every week.
                        FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4                          SATURDAY                 SUNDAY
                               4 TO 8 PM                               6 PM         9 AM Drive-In Experience
                                                                    Experience       11 AM Indoor Experience
                Stroll the streets of Historic Downtown
               Denton and experience the charm of our                                  Greensboro Quick Stop
              independently owned shops, and find local                  Greensboro Elementary
                artisanal goods at our outdoor market.
                                                                                           Greater Impact
             Horse drawn carriage rides will be available.

               Rain Date: December 5 - 4-8 PM
                                                                                                   Greensboro Rd.
              December 4, 2020
              4:00 - 8:00 PM                                                         480
              Downtown Denton

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