Page 34 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 34

Caroline                      was Lucy Church’s poster with the slogan, “Together We Grow
                                                                Stronger” – we couldn’t agree more Lucy! We hope all the
                                     CASA                       students who participated learned a little more about respect-
                                                                ing others, standing up to bullies and being Caroline Kind!
                                 Court Appointed                (see posters on page 36)
                                 Special Advocate               We also launched a new Community Partnership Program this

                                                                year. This program was designed to strengthen and support
                An Unprecedented Year for All of Us!            healthy families by working collaboratively with like-minded
                                                                businesses and organizations. Our partners make an annual
                                                                commitment to CASA of Caroline that assists us in recruit-

            This has been an unprecedented year for all of us! With the   ing and training volunteers. It also helps with our awareness
            onset of COVID-19, no one could have imagined the dramatic   campaigns like the Bullying Prevention Campaign and the
            changes to which we would all have to adapt. Families have   Pinwheels For Prevention Project we held in April to raise
            been quarantined and separated for months, we’ve all had to   awareness of child abuse. We are thrilled to announce 2021
            learn to Zoom and to wear masks on a daily basis, children have   Community Partnerships with The Caroline Foundation, Pres-

            had to attend school via computer – the list of changes and   ton Automotive, Women’s Club of Caroline County, Tri Gas &
            adaptations is a long one! But one thing that has not changed   Oil, Caroline’s Agape Project, American Legion Post 29, Avery
            is CASA of Caroline’s commitment to our community and   Hall, Choptank Transport, and State Farm/Huber Insurance
            especially to the children and youth in Caroline County foster   Agency. Thank you for your commitment to CASA of Caroline

            care whose best interests are always our top priority.    and the children of Caroline County!
            Like other businesses and organizations, CASA of Caroline   The holidays look a bit different for all of us. We are not able

            had to pivot and find new ways to serve children and families.     to hold our usual Volunteer Appreciation dinner but we want

            When the pandemic started, we were in the middle of a new   to acknowledge our amazing advocates who have remained
            volunteer training class. Fortunately, we were able to shift  the   unwavering in their commitment to the children and youth
            in-person classes to online learning and welcomed three new   we serve. Ann Anthony, Michelle Gilliam, Kelly Hayman,
            volunteers who were sworn in on June 10.  Ann Anthony, Julie   Jack Kirk, Travis Newman, Erica Plank, MaryLou Plutschak
            Quick and Rich Warfield joined the CASA of Caroline team

            and were immediately assigned to cases. We are very grateful
                                                                Strawberry Blonde
            for their ability to adapt and for their commitment to their   Strawberry Blonde
            work as CASA volunteers!
                                                                               A Distinctive Salon
            The pandemic has also been a time to forge new partnerships.

            In October, CASA of Caroline collaborated with Character
            Counts Mid-Shore, Caroline County YMCA and Caroline   Cuts -Color -Perms - Highlighting
                                                                  Cuts -Color -Perms - Highlighting
            County Public Schools on a Bullying Prevention campaign
                                                                           Manicure - Pedicure
            that included a poster contest. The logistics presented some   Manicure - Pedicure

            challenges but thanks to Amy Shepler, Bill Allen and Cara
            Calloway at CCPS, we received some truly amazing and creative
            entries that were displayed in storefronts along Market Street.
            The runner-up in the 10-under age group was Madylenna
            Andrews and the winner was Molly Church’s poster of multi-                                 WALKINS
            colored hands with kind and respectful phrases. For the 11+                                WELCOME
            age group, the runner-up was Meghan Stewart and the winner

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                                                                                                   Tues & Wed. 9-7;
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