Page 38 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 38
H ealth C orner Tips, Classes and
Programs to help
you live healthier!
County Health Dept. off ers There are many diff erent websites
drive-up testing on Tuesdays and Apps for meditation for
from 1-3 p.m. Reservations adults, teens and kids!
recommended. Call 410-479-
• Manage your spending! It is
Simple Gifts for the Holidays! 8000 to schedule. Express Care very easy to over-spend during
locations in MD and DE off er
the holidays. Be sure to create a
Rapid-testing. Check with your
From the Wellness Promotions staff at budget for gift giving, write a list
health care provider for other
The Caroline Co. Health Dept. and stick to it. Engage the family
testing resources. in creating gifts from the kitchen.
Good health is the best holiday gift to
• Get your flu shot! Th ere are It is a great way to spend time
give to yourself and your family. During
some flu vaccines available at the together!
this time of the COVID-19 Pandemic,
health dept. Call 410-479-8000
we are all busy with work, taking care of • Check in with friends, neighbors
for availability and scheduling. I
loved ones, helping kids learn remotely, and family by phone, Zoom or
bet your pharmacy has some too!
plus planning for socially distanced Facetime. A simple drive-by hello
holidays. In all the hustle and bustle it is • Eat properly! It is diffi cult, at or porch chat would be welcome
hard to take time to make sure you and best, to eat only healthy foods for many people who are
your family are in good health, yet this during the holidays. Don’t feel quarantining at home, in need of
is so important! Here are some ways to guilty for indulging a little, but company.
stay healthy and reduce stress during remember to balance all the • Volunteering this year is a
the holiday season: sweets and other high calorie challenge. Call your church, a
foods with fresh veggies and
• Be COVID-19 mindful! We shelter, a food pantry, Hospice, or
fruits, whole grains, lean proteins
all have ‘COVID fatigue’. But animal shelter, to see what their
and low fat dairy. Maybe skip the
now is not the time to let our needs are. Donations of money
second helping and enjoy one
guard down! So..Wear a mask or items is always welcome.
cookie, not two!
in all public spaces, keep six Wellness Promotions at Th e Caroline
feet between you and others, • Take a daily walk. Studies now County Health Dept. off ers several
wash your hands frequently, show that a simple 30 minute GIFTS that can help you on your
keep commonly touched walk each day can not only help journey to good health. We offer all of
areas disinfected, limit social you reduce weight, lower your these programs at no cost to you!
gatherings to no more than ten blood pressure, reduce your risk
people. If you have been exposed for diabetes, it also improves • Our Smoking Cessation
to a COVID + person, have your mood…instantly! program, sponsored by Th e
symptoms, or expect to travel, • Engage in mindful meditation Maryland Cigarette Restitution
please be tested. Th e Caroline for a few minutes each day! Fund, offers free resources/
referral to the Maryland Quit
KEEP THE BEAT Line, support, along with
nicotine patches, gum, and
lozenges to help you get started
on your QUIT plan.
CPR & First Aid Training
• The Breast and Cervical Cancer
Training for: • Boat Captains Screening Program provide
• Healthcare • Coaches... clinical breast exams and
• Daycare we do them all! mammograms for women ages
CPR and First Aid 40-64, and Pap tests for women
valid for 2 years >21, with limited income and
410-758-2022 Quality, fun
WE ARE AHA INSTRUCTORS 147 Log Canoe Cir. limited or no insurance.
& aff ordable
For upcoming classes: Stevensville, MD 21666 • The Colorectal Cancer
training! Screening Program provides