Page 40 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 40
your body? It is true! Nicotine, found harder to pump blood throughout your amount of time. This can trick you into
in cigarettes and in many vapes, is an body, thus putting more stress on your feeling more relaxed. Th ose feelings
addictive stimulant. cardiovascular system. are short lived and as your nicotine
levels drop, you are likely to experience
Nicotine narrows blood vessels, Craving nicotine causes stress too.
another craving for a cigarette or vape
making them smaller, which causes When you smoke or vape, your brain
and the process continues to repeat for
your blood pressure and heart rate to receives a hit of nicotine and that
as long as you keep smoking or vaping.
go up. In turn, your heart has to work nicotine craving is satisfied for a short
Talk about stress in the brain!
The money spent on buying cigarettes
Center for Conscious and vape products can really add up.
Having an addiction is fi nancially
Healthy Living expensive. In a world where the price
of everything is going up, except our
paychecks, figuring out how to pay for
Cindy Draper, LMT everything can be very stressful.
& Associates It is important to remember there will
always be stressful situations in our lives
whether we choose to smoke, vape, or
breathe clean air. Learning to deal with
Massage Therapy our stressors is so important. Quitting
Cindy Draper, LMT, Kelly Bowles, LMT, smoking and vaping will decrease the
Michele Wade, LMT & Joyce Thume, LMT stress cravings cause and the physical
(Relaxation, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage stress nicotine puts on the body.
and Cupping)
Clinical Acupressure There are many healthy ways to reduce
Michele Wade stress without smoking. For example,
you can take a few long deep breathes,
Aromatherapy Diana Limberis;
“Promoting Wellness and Unity in try meditation, grab a refreshing glass
Essential Oils & Products Available.
Family and Community Through of water, enjoy a warm shower, stand
Foot Ionization Spa up and stretch, or take a walk. Maybe
the Healing Power of Touch”
Diana Limberis you are looking for that nicotine rush
Reflexology Diana Limberis 311 Franklin St., Denton as a way to cope? Try a stimulating
410-479-0596 activity like running, playing drums,
Acupuncture Lydia Wainwright, or skate boarding. Finally, do not forget
Shannon Walker, M.Ac., (Tues & Wed.) to ask for help and support if you feel
Accepting many insurances.
overwhelmed – we all need a friend
Cranio-Sacral Therapy sometimes.
Michele Wade
If you are thinking about quitting, now
Open 7 Days a Week by appointment.
is a great time to try! Th e Maryland
Don’t forget Saturday & Sunday appts.
Quitline offers support from quit
coaches right over the phone, as well as
Class information can be found
nicotine replacement products that can
be mailed to Marylanders at no cost. To
learn more or enroll you can contact
the Quitline directly at 1-800-QUIT-
• Truck/Bus Drivers NOW (1-800-784-8669) or you can
• Basic Med for Pilots contact me at 410-829-0848 (call or
• Coast Guard for Boaters text) and I can submit a referral to have
• Pre-Op for Upcoming Surgery a quit coach reach out and contact you.
Board Certified
Occupational Medicine
C.E. Jensen, MD
Denton, MD 410-924-8560