Page 39 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 39

assistance for both men and    nicotine, Puff Bars, Juuls and electronic

                women over the age of 50       cigarettes.  Projects may be centered
                (younger if symptomatic or     around, but not limited by, any of the
                family history of CRC) to be   various tobacco awareness campaigns
                screened for colorectal cancer. If   including: Tobacco  Awareness Month
                you meet income guidelines and   (January), Kick Butts Day (March),
                have limited or no insurance,   or  World No Tobacco Day (May).
                we offer coverage for pre-      Please contact our Wellness staff for an

                screening exams, prep meds and   application at 410-479-8080.        “For unto us a child is born, unto
                colonoscopy procedure. Call
                                               Best wishes for a joyful holiday season.  us a son is given: and the government
                us for more information about                                     shall be upon his shoulder: and his name
                our programs at 410-479-8080.                                      shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,
                Allow our staff to assist you on    The Connection Between            The mighty God, The everlasting

                your path to wellness!             Smoking, Vaping & Stress
                                                                                      Father, The Prince of  Peace.”
            Mini Grants are Available!                   Submitted by
            The Caroline County Health Dept.         Heather Grove, RN, BSN          Janet Dove, stylist

            Cigarette Restitution Fund Program   It is easy to think that smoking a
            (CRFP) would like to invite your non-  cigarette or taking a hit on your vape       at Top Knot Salon
            profit organization to apply for a CRFP   is a good way to calm your nerves   Cuts • Color • Highlights • Perms

            mini-grant during fiscal year 2021   from all of the stress in today’s world   920 Gay St., Denton   410-310-4586

            (ending 6/30/21).  A limited number of   but did you know smoking and vaping
            grants of $500- $1000 are available for   can actually increase the stress inside   APPOINTMENTS ONLY!
            tobacco prevention and/or cessation                                            Must wear a mask
            activities to educate youth and            (continued on next page)         1 client per stylist at a time
            adults about the dangers of tobacco,
                                                                                     Merry Christmas!

                                                                  to our

              DENTON MEDICAL CENTER                     new dentist
              808 S. Fifth Ave.
              410-479-2650         New            Vanessa Moore, DDS
                                                                     Dr. Moore completed her Pediatric Dental
                                                                     Residency program at Children’s National
              MEDICAL CENTER
                                                                     Medical Center in Washington, D.C. and
              215 Bloomingdale Ave.
                                                                     graduated dental school from the University
              Medical Center  410-754-9021
                                                                     of Maryland School of Dentistry in Balti-
              Dental Center  410-754-7583
                                                                     more, MD.
              MEDICAL CENTER                                         Dr. Moore is accepting patients at our new
              316 Railroad Ave.                                      Denton Dental Center and Goldsboro
              Medical  Center  410-634-2380                          Center locations.
              Dental Center  410-482-2224

                       Accepting                  CHOPTANK COMMUNITY HEALTH SINCE 1980
                     New Patients              FAMILY PRACTICE  •  PEDIATRICS  •  DENTAL CARE

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