Page 5 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 5

Local Volunteer                well-being of Caroline County’s children   neighbors. Please make your checks
                                               and adults.                       payable to MASSB Foundation, and mail
             Organization Helps                                                  them to:
                                               Since its inception in 2012, Caroline’s
                Those Affected                 Community Assistance Fund has     Juanita A. Webster, Board Chair
                  by COVID-19                  assisted 90 families with rental or utilities   Caroline County Department
                                               arrearages, allowing them to remain   of Social Services
            The Maryland Association of Social   in their homes. Additionally, the Fund   207 S. 3rd Street
            Services Boards (MASSB) Foundation   provides support in the form of medical   Post Offi  ce Box 400
            is comprised entirely of volunteers who   supplies and emergency repairs for the   Denton, MD 21629
            serve on local boards in all 23 counties in   elderly. As you may be aware, many of   Donations can also be received via
            the State of Maryland.  For those of you   the COVID-19 outbreaks occurred   credit card at www.massbfoundation.
            who are not familiar with the Caroline   in nursing homes and rehabilitation   org. Please add a note that your donation
            County Department of Social Services’   centers. As we move into the winter   is in support of Caroline County.  All
            (CCDSS) Advisory Board, our mission is   months and the holiday season we   donations are 100% tax deductible.
            to provide assistance to support families   anticipate an increased need for holiday   MASSB is an all-volunteer organization
            in financial crisis that do not meet   assistance for families with children and   so you will have the comfort of knowing
            federal and/or state program eligibility   our elderly who are not as fortunate.   that your funds will go directly to those
            but need assistance.               Any assistance garnered through this   in need.
                                               drive will also go towards assisting our
            Under the auspices of the Maryland   seniors in need.                Thank you for your kindness and your

            Association of the Social Services Boards                            support.
            (MASSB), an established 501(c)3, the   We would like to thank you for the
            Caroline County Department of Social   generous support you’ve provided   Chris Cummings, Chair MASSB
            Services’ Board of Directors oversees   in the past and encourage you to   Foundation and Juanita A. Webster,
            the Community Assistance Fund,     donate whatever you can aff ord to our   Caroline County DSS Board Chair
            which responds to unmet needs that   organization to help our less-fortunate
            are fundamental to the safety, health, and

                 Sponsor-A-Shelter                for the Holidays

                              Christmas trees will be delivered on Saturday, November 28 to Provident State
                              Bank in Denton, Tri-Me Foods in Ridgely, and Tenchi Restaurant in Greensboro.
                              These trees will be decorated with tags identifying animals in CCHS’ care while
                               they await their forever homes. Tags include their name and picture along with
                                     suggested items to consider for the “Star” you select to sponsor.

                       Place your unwrapped donated items in a bag or box, securely attach the tag, and return
                         it to Provident State Bank in Denton, Tri-Me Foods in Ridgely, or Tenchi Restaurant in
                                            Greensboro, no later than December 23.

                                     We appreciate your support.                   Questions?

                                                                           Call Donna at 443-988-3251
                                                                           or Sherrie at 410-310-8248.

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