Page 7 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 7
closed and moved to Burrsville where it the building allowing the Quakers to summer of 2019. However, there was
was converted into a dwelling. hold their meeting. Th e “Dunkards”(Th e no plan to address the need for repair
Church of the Brethren) established a of the other three sides or to establish a
Likewise, Northwest Fork was
church for Black citizens and, fi nally, the plan for regular maintenance. As a result,
moved about three miles outside of
building served as a public school from a few individuals came forward with a
Federalsburg and renamed Pine Grove.
1899 to 1900. fundraising plan to restore the building,
It was moved a second time and placed
but also to establish a trust to provide
farther west along Route 318 just slightly With Quakers moving away or joining
perpetual care.
over the line into Dorchester County. other meetings, Tuckahoe Neck quickly
Today, the building is privately owned fell into disrepair. The Committee for the Preservation
and unrecognizable as a meetinghouse, In 1930 a few of the former members of the Tuckahoe Neck Quaker
having been converted into a dwelling. Meetinghouse is appealing to all citizens
made an attempt at limited repairs but
The last Quaker Meetinghouse built once again it was left to deteriorate. of the County to assist in this eff ort. We
have developed a multi-facet plan of
in Caroline County, Tuckahoe Neck, By 2002 the building was in a terrible fundraising; consisting of writing grant
was completed in 1802 and remained condition with extensive termite proposals, electronic fundraising, and
active until 1897 when it was “laid damage. Major restoration work took signature fundraising events.
down”, closed. It is often referred to as place over the next two years. This
the “Neck Meetinghouse’’ to diff erentiate included new footing and brick piers, If you would like to assist in this truly
it from the Tuckahoe Meetinghouse at replacement of termite damaged sills worthwhile effort or would like to have
Matthewstown in Talbot County. and floor joists with new beams and more information, please contact Jo
joists being installed, and a new shingle Ann Staples at or
The building served in several other roof added. 410-479-0497.
capacities over time. The Quakers and
nonmembers conducted a school from As had occurred in the past, there This is a county wide effort to save our
1856 to 1858 and again from 1877 to was no regular maintenance and by mutual history. It belongs to all of us and
1879. During the Civil War, it was used 2017 more repairs were needed. The once gone can never be replaced.
as a barracks for Union soldiers and it east end of the building required the
was reported the soldiers would leave most attention, and was repaired by the
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