Page 14 - May 2023 Issue.indd
P. 14

the technology world would be sent into   borrowing fund that banks who are
                                               a fi nancial tailspin.            confronted with “runs” that test their
                                                                                 liquidity can borrow funds from at low
                                               Can you imagine if something like this
                                                                                 rates for a short term until they can sell
                                               happened to a bank or banks in the
                                                                                 assets or issue more stock to generate
                                               Midwest who provided banking services
                                                                                 more capital and pay the loan back.
                                               primarily to the agricultural sector? Of
                                               course, the Federal Reserve, Treasury   Interest rate volatility will continue for
              Memorial Weekend                 and FDIC would make sure agricultural   the rest of this year with the Federal
                                               deposits were covered to avoid a similar   Reserve raising rates in early May by
               at Linchester Mill
                                               disaster to the agricultural economy.  .25%. I anticipate this will be the last
                   PRESTON, MD                                                   increase for now and they will sit back
                                               Signature Banks failure was not due

              Saturday, May 27  •  10-1        to investing in low-rate government   to see how inflation and unemployment
                                               treasuries as much as it was because   move over the summer.
               BBQ Bueno and Carrie Sue’s
             Cupcakery will be providing food.   they invested in cryptocurrency and   Interest rates will not be going down
                                               the funding of companies that dealt   any time soon, which is good news
                Come out and support your      directly in the trading of cryptocurrency.   for savers, but not so good news for
               local crafters! Stop by on your   Because crypto is not really regulated,   borrowers.
               way home, take a look around    and value can be very volatile, the Fed’s   Mr. Rowe is Vice President/Lending for
               and grab dinner to take home.   rushed in and seized them also, fearing   Bay Capital Mortgage Corp. with offi  ces
                                               another run on the bank.
                                                                                 in Easton and Annapolis. He has lived in
              There will be an                 To avoid this kind of disaster in the   Caroline for his entire life and supports
              activity for the                 future and to provide readily available   the county by volunteering in a variety of
                children.                      funds for accounts that exceed the   ways. He currently lives near Greensboro
                                               $250,000 insurance limit, the Treasury   with his wife Jeanne and daughter Kelsey.
                                               Department has created a short-term

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