Page 30 - May 2023 Issue.indd
P. 30
Delaware’s Kent County. This increase in A bushel of #1 blue crabs and a case of
funding will be seen in both our Club’s soda or beer (your choice) will be given
traditional funding projects and in some to the holder of the winning ticket on
new, additional funding opportunities. Tuesday, July 11, 2023. Tickets are 3
for $10 or 1 for $5 and will be available
Please know that 100% of all of the from any Club member beginning on
money that we raise through our Tuesday, May 2. Please see our ad on
Marydel Lions Club fundraisers is used
“We Serve” page 31 in this issue of the Caroline
to support the projects and programs Review.
Greensboro Lions Club News that benefit the children, youth, fami-
lies, adults and seniors that are resi- If you are a member of our local commu-
Greensboro Lions Club meet the 1st dents of the Maryland and Delaware nities and are feeling led to become more
and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 Mason-Dixon Line Communities and involved in community service you will
PM at Wheatley Hall, 300 West Sunset environs of Marydel. In addition to our find that your presence would be most
Avenue, Greensboro. The club does not usual gifts, grants and academic scholar- welcomed in the Marydel Lions Club.
meet during the months of July and ships we will be giving serious consid- To learn more about the Marydel Lions
August. To make reservations call Rick eration to the needs associated with Club please do not hesitate to contact
Harris at 410-924-0521. vision problems, diabetic challenges Lion Lee at or
and childhood cancer. Environmental Lion Terry at terryhiggins38@outlook.
Marydel Lions Club Increases stewardship and support for local food com at which time we would pleased to
Its Community Grants By 60% --- banks will continue to be part of our talk with you.
Along With Blue Crabs! mission as well.
As a final note, Lion Lee has just a few
Due to the fantastic community response It is imperative that the readers of this one pound jars of his 2022 local raw
to the Marydel Lions Club’s fund rais- article know that a major portion of the honey remaining and his local 2023
ing events during 2022, the amount of continued success of the Marydel Lions honey will not be available until the
money that we as a community service Club’s fundraisers is due to the creativity latter part of this year. All funds from
Club are planning to provide to a vari- that is to be found in the Club’s adver- the sale of this excellent local honey
ety of good causes will be increased by tisements in the Caroline Review. Th us are graciously donated to the Marydel
60%. The bulk of our grant funds will said, I want you to pay particular atten- Lions Club.
go to support the needs in the northern tion to the following paragraph. Preston Lions Club
portion of Maryland’s Caroline County
as well as a major western portion of Our 1st Sportsman Bingo will be held on
May 7th at Preston VFC. Doors open at
11 a.m. and games start at 1 p.m. featur-
ing hunting prizes, sports prizes, and
Weight Loss cash prizes. Tickets sold at door for $30.
For more info contact Kristy at 410-829-
is a journey...
start yours The Preston Carnival will be held from
today! May 29-June 3. Advance ticket sales
will be $18 and will be available in May.
These are good for riding all night for
any night of the carnival. See Phyllis
Frase for tickets at U5 in Bethlehem
between 5-7 PM or Saturdays at the
carnival grounds.
Keep watching we have more coming
Chester River Weight Loss Center
1 mile south of Chester River Bridge • Chestertown, MD in the months to come and don’t forget,
anyone that needs medical equipment,
Space available to sublease wheelchairs, walkers etc we have them
contact Ed at 443-786-0323.
Blood Pressure Checked • Vitamin B-12 Injection • Nutritional Guidance
Blood Analysis • Diet Medication • Multi-Vitamins We are always looking for people to
Weigh in on body fat composition scale serve our community, not for the glory
but for the love of your fellow man.