Page 31 - May 2023 Issue.indd
P. 31

Ridgely Lions Prepare for 42nd
                        Annual Strawberry Festival                      Marydel Lions Club Raffle for...

            The Ridgely Lions Club will host the 42nd Annual Strawberry
            Festival at Martin Sutton Memorial Park in Ridgely on

            Sunday, May 28 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. This annual event is
            the largest fundraiser for the Ridgely Lions Club. Th e Lions
            partner with many of the community’s volunteer and service
            organizations to make it one of Caroline County’s premier
            events. All proceeds raised by the Lions Club through the
            festival are used to support community service projects and
            local charities.

            Activities get started early when the 11th Annual Strawberry
            Chase 5K Fun Run and Walk gets underway at 8 a.m.
            Sponsored this year by the Ridgely Lions Club with support            Bushel of
            and sponsorship from the Caroline County Department of
            Shore Tents and Party Rentals, Advantage Rehab, Inc., the  #1 Blue Crabs
            Recreation & Parks, American Legion Caroline Post #29, 4
            Meoli Companies, Delmarva Business Network, Teddy Bear   with a case of soda or beer (winner’s choice)
            Fresh Produce, Joanne Shipley Designs, the Brenton Realty
            Group, the Lions & Leo Clubs of Caroline County and the   $5 per ticket or   Winning ticket drawn on
            Kent Island & Queenstown Lions Clubs. All proceeds from   3 tickets for $10   Tuesday, July 11, 2023
            the Strawberry Chase are donated to support the Ronald
                                                                  Tickets available for sale beginning May 2 from any
            McDonald House Charities Maryland and the Caroline
                                                                     member of the Marydel Lions Club or contact
            County Super Summer Day Camp Scholarships. For more
                                                                    Wayne Voshell at; Lee
            information go to or contact Lion
                                                                  Voshell at, 410-482-8510; or Terry
            Dave Davis at 443-786-2547 or email to the ridgelylions@  Higgins at, 302-363-5823
            You can pre-register on-line at
            for the Strawberry Chase 5K Run/Walk for $25 until May
            26.  After May 26 fees for all runners and walkers will be $30.

            Kid’s aged 12 yrs. and younger can register for $15. You can
            also register as a sleepwalker for $30 and support the Ronald
            McDonald House and Caroline Super Sumer Camp from the
            comfort of your bed.

            The Strawberry Festival kicks off at 9 a.m. with a non-denom-
            inational church service led by Greensboro Lion Chuck
            Braband. At 10 a.m. the festival gets into full swing with musi-

            cal entertainment, food and craft vendors, and the children’s
            entertainment area opens.
            At noon the Strawberry Festival Parade kicks off on Bell St.

            and ends at Martin Sutton Park. If you’d like to participate in   “Rion” the Lion and Lion Charlie Poukish serve a bowl of
            the parade, contact Lion Jerry Sutton at 410-634-2129 or at   the delicious strawberry shortcake to a family at Ridgely

   Th e afternoon continues with raffl  e   Lions Strawberry Festival.
            drawings, awards for the best parade entries, musical enter-
            tainment, great food, and the kid’s amusement area. If you’re   For more information or to get involved with the Ridgely Lions
            looking for a day filled with good wholesome fun, delicious   Club, please contact Lion Donna DiGiacomo at 410-310-6126

            food, and entertainment, then the Ridgely Lions Club’s 42nd   or   or at rlcstrawberryfestival@
            Annual Strawberry Festival is the place to be. For more info
            on the festival schedule go to or Ridgely
            Lions Club on Face book. If you are interested in participating,
            you can email to

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