Page 6 - May 2023 Issue.indd
P. 6

See You There?                          his employer had generously donated perhaps a dozen of these
                                                                very sporty remote control toy cars. Alas, it was much too easy,
            Within my head tossed several ideas to write of for this issue;   and within an hour they were all gone. I can still picture his face

            I kept drifting back to politics. No, dear reader, I can’t do that   dropping when I delivered the news. I felt a bit of guilt about
            to you! The entire point of me being here, in black and white   that for years; if only I’d found a way to make the game more

            before you, is to try and lift you up. Describing how sausage is   of a challenge? It was all okay. There’s a lot of forgiveness for 9

            made doesn’t seem the best way to go about it. And so, seeing   or 10 year old kids, especially from someone salt-of-the-earth
            that May is upon us: something big is coming at month’s end. I   like the now departed Mr. Frase.
            promise, if the Lord keeps me vertical, I’ll be there. Now, allow
                                                                If someone planted the seed for me to become a scout, from
            me to back up a moment.
                                                                that little job would eventually spring much more. I was 18.

            There haven’t been many things I’ve aspired to in life: to own   It seems that Tracy Swieczkowski was asked to run a booth

            a Studebaker, to figure out electronic theory, to walk down the   at the Preston Carnival (the real one, with a Ferris Wheel,
            cookie aisle at Dollar General without picking up a bag of Chips   cotton candy, and a big parade Tuesday night.) It is important
            Ahoy! I can continue to work towards each of those. But, at an   to understand that, had she asked me to go over Niagara Falls
            early age, Bryan very much wished he were a Cub Scout. I’ve no   (with or without a barrel) my response would have been the
            idea how that seed was planted, but when the time came, there   same as when she asked about helping out with the game. “Uh,

            I was. Our Scoutmaster at Pack 461 was Earl Frase, and he was   when do you want me there?” That was 1990, this is 2023. I
            perfect for the part with a great sense of humor. His two sons   haven’t missed a year. I’ve run little games, made change, sold

            were just a bit older than I, and both fought diligently against   raffle tickets, been a go-fer. Eventually, pardon the pun, I found

            muscular dystrophy. With the annual Jerry Lewis Labor Day   my calling. 2 or 3 nights a year, sitting there at the microphone
            telethon on the horizon, a roadside carnival was planned to   in the Bingo building. It’s still mid-April as I write this, but what
            assist. Games were set up on tables out at the edge of Preston,   was that about my lack of aspiration? I can’t wait for Memorial

            and thinking about it just now, I seem to recall someone frying   Day, to warm up that amplifier and start giving away money.
            chicken. My first-ever experience running a game was likely a

            dart versus balloon contest; the second or third time we were
            allowed to move out to the “real” carnival grounds in the center
            of town. I remember it well as I was charged with running a
            bean bag toss. Earl worked as a TV repairman for Sears and   žF  1SFTUPO -JPOT BOE 'JSFNFO

                                21  Annual

                  Soap Box Derby

                        for boys and girls from 7-18                            May 29-June 3
                                                                           Monday thru Saturday 7-10 nightly
                   Federalsburg,     Saturday, June 3                  at the Carnival Grounds off Williamson Street
                        MD                  9 am                                       RIDES  •  GAMES

                     Practice Day is May 21. So now is the            PARADE                 BINGO
                     time to get your car together! We have
                                                                       Tuesday,        FOOD   DRINKS
                             loaner cars available.
                         Check us out on Facebook at                    May 30           CAKE BOOTH
                           Delmarva Soap Box Derby                                Baked Goods Appreciated

                                      For more information,
                                                                     re-Sale Ride Braceeleets
                                      call Danny Philllips at     Pre-Sale Ride Bracelets
                                                                    Available for purchase on Saturdays at the
                                        Sponsored by the Preston       carnival grounds on May 6, 13, 20, 27
                                          Automotive Group and
                                        Federalsburg Vol. Fire Co.              from 10-2 for $18.
                                                                    For more information call 443-786-0324
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