Page 15 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 15

Caroline CASA                         •  “A good dad can  nd something

                                            Court Appointed Special Advocate            positive even when you strike out,”
                                                                                        Mike McDermott, Federalsburg
                                         by Amy Horne, Executive                        Chief of Police.
                                         Director, CASA of Caroline                  •  “Being a good father to me means
                                                                                        prioritizing your children.  To
                                   In the Honor of Fathers                              always be present and involved,
                                                                                        to support their dreams, to
                                                                                        guide them as they grow into
               Dad.  Daddy.  Father.  Papa.  No matter   •  “A good dad means loving your   good people, to love them
               what name you call him, he’s probably   children unconditionally. It means   unconditionally, and to always
               the most important man in your        being there for all that life has to   remember that being a father is an

               life.  But according to the US Census   o er, the good and the challenging.   incredible honor,” Sloan Franklin,

               Bureau, nearly one-third of kids in    ere is no greater joy,” Dr. Derek   Caroline County State’s Attorney.
               our country are growing up in a home   L. Simmons, Superintendent of
               without a father.  Research shows that   Schools.                     •  “I’m still new at this dad thing...
               when a child is raised in a father-  •  “To me, being a good dad means   but in my opinion, being a good
               absent home, he or she is more likely   staying in the game, even when   dad means being the constant
               to have behavioral problems, abuse    the world demands we stay on the   comforting presence that allows

               drugs and alcohol, su er from obesity,   sidelines,” Pastor David Casey-  your child to willingly take risks

               and drop out of school.  We all know   Motley, Immanuel Lutheran in      and  gure out their purpose in
               what superheroes our mothers are but   Preston.                          this world, while knowing that
               the fathers and father- gures in our                                     you’re there for them to make sure

               lives deserve some of the credit too!    •  “Providing an environment that   everything will be okay,”  David
                                                     provides my daughters love,        Murray, Caroline Culinary Center.
               Fathers play a key role in their families   discipline, growth, respect,
               and in society.   ey set examples as   challenges and success.  When they   •  “I would say teaching your children

               role models.  Children who grow up    come up shore, encouraging them    right and wrong and setting the

               with a father or father- gure who is   to get back up and try again.  I   example for them.  Do unto others
               involved, responsible, and engaged in   want them to understand that their   as you would have them do to you,”
               his child’s life are more likely to thrive   e orts matter and using the excuse   Adam Jones, Summit Community

               and succeed.  But what does being a   or comparison is not what driven   Bank.
               good dad mean?  It can mean di erent   people do because only they can   •  “Being a good dad means that my

               things to di erent people, so we asked   control their own actions,” Keith   kids feel encouraged, empowered,

               some Caroline County dads what        Johnson, Maryland State Police,    and equipped to succeed in life
               being a good father means to them.    Denton Town Council, CASA          and weather the inevitable failures
                                                     Board President.                   when they come. I will always feel
                                                                                        like I am a good dad when my kids
                                                                                        know they can come to me to brag
                                                                                        about success or express regret over
                                                                                        a failure,” Pastor Billy Johnson,
                                                                                        Denton Christian Church.

                                                                                     Kids need fathers and father  gures

                                                                                     to give them the unconditional love
                                                                                     and support they deserve.  During
                                                                                     Men’s Health Month and National

                                                                                     Reuni cation Month, we celebrate
                                                                                     those men who mentor, encourage,
                                                                                     and support kids so that they may
                       SELLERS OF COOL OLD STUFF                                     thrive and live happy, healthy
                                                                                     childhoods.  Every man has the
                     SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS & BONUS DAYS THROUGH SPRING                  ability to “Change a Child’s Story” in
                               (*SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGES)                        a positive way – will you?    If you are
                                                                                     interested in learning about supporting
                              214A MARKET STREET, DENTON, MD                         a child as a CASA volunteer, please call
                         301-357-0226  MOESONMARKET@GMAIL.COM                        Amy or Peter at 410-479-8301 or visit
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