Page 20 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 20


                  Administrative Care
                   Coordination Unit

                                                        your Managed Care
                                                        Organization (MCO)

                                    Explain how to                              Help you resolve
                                   renew bene ts.                                 billing issues.

                       Help you get your                                                     Help you  nd
                      prescriptions  lled.                                                   a doctor within
                                                                                              your MCO.

                     Explain how to                                                           Explain services
                       update your                                                            available out of
                     information and                      ACCU                               network, without
                   obtain a new card.                                                            a referral.

                         Explain your                                                         Help link you
                          appeal and                                                        to transportation
                       grievance rights.                                                        services.

                                   Explain annual                                   Help you  nd
                                       right to                                     a dentist for
                                   change MCO’s.                                     your child.
                                                             Helps you
                                                         understand your
                                                        bene ts and how to
                                                          access services.

                         For more information call 410-479-8189 or visit                       49
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