Page 23 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 23

Our club plans to attend a Shore Birds Game on June 15
                                                                    and plans are being made for the annual Fourth of July
                               Lions Clubs of Caroline              Games and Chicken BBQ out to our Park on Route 480.

                                                                                Marydel Lions Club News

                                                                    For a number of years, the members of the Marydel
                          Greensboro Lions Club News                Lions Club have been very pleased with the on-going,
                                                                    excellent and consistent opportunities to share our
               The Greensboro Lions met on April 16. The            Lions Club vision, plans and community service
               meeting was designated as Charter Night. Our         activities with the extensive readership of the Caroline
               guests included our spouses and friends. Pianist Pat   Review. Going forward we are confident that the
               Lewis entertained us during and after dinner.        new leadership of this excellent publication will be as

               The club was chartered in 1938, with twenty prominent   supportive as the Warfields have been in the past.
               Greensboro merchants and was sponsored by the        Our Club’s current ‘Always A Winner’ fund raiser is our
               Queenstown Lions Club and the Salisbury Lions Club. The   annual ‘Bushel Of #1 Blue Crabs (with a case of soda or
               club met at the Riverside Hotel with our first President   beer --- winners choice) with tickets on sale now (1 for
               G. Linden Duffey presiding. Special recognition was   $5 or 3 for $10) from any Club member.  The drawing to
               given to Lion Kenneth Chouinard, who along with      select the winning ticket holder will be drawn at the Club’s
               his family accepted a Melvin Jones Fellow Award.     Dinner/Business Meeting on June 11, 2024. Please see the
               Girls Softball League through Caroline County        advertisement elsewhere in this issue for more information.
               Recreation and Parks is now using our ballpark on    We are please to report that 100 percent of all of the monies
               State Route 480 on a regular basis. We are proud and   raised by our Club’s fundraising activities is dedicated
               happy to utilize this once great softball park again.   to the programs and projects that benefit the children,
               The SDOSH volunteers will receive a donation         youth, families, adults and seniors that are residents of the
               to further work – fitting used eyeglasses to those   Maryland and Delaware Mason-Dixon Line Communities
               who need them. These optometrists are a group of     and environs of the Marydel area.  In addition to the
               volunteers that are helping the Lions cause.         Club’s grants, we will be providing support to the needs
                                                                    of those with visual problems, diabetic challenges and
                                                                    childhood cancer.  Environmental stewardship, support
                                                                    for local food pantries and free use loan of hospital
                 Sinclair Construction                              equipment will also continue to be part of our mission.
                  30 yrs. Building Service on the Eastern Shore     Questions and comments relative to programs, projects,
                                                                    meeting times and membership can be answered by
                          Specializing in:                          contacting Lion Lee Voshell at
                  New Homes  •  Additions  •  Siding                or 410-482-8510 or Lion Sonya Haley  at mandshaley@
                    Roofs  •  Decks  •  Kitchens  •  Baths or  302-264-1367 or Lion Terry Higgins
                        REMODEL or NEW
                                                                    at or 302-363-5823.
                410-479-1025             443-439-9712  MHIC#31929
                6716 American Corner Road
                Denton, MD 21629
                                                                     Atlantic Paving & Concrete

                  TRINITY UMC  CALVARY UMC  Trinity United                      Meeting all your needs!

                                                                                           Asphalt  •  Concrete
                                  Methodist Church                                      Asphalt Millings  •  Stone
                                  302 Church Lane, Goldsboro, MD                       Grading  •  Snow Removal

                                      Sunday Worship and              MHIC MD#85409             Licensed, Bonded, Insured
                                    Sunday School at 9:15 AM          DE#2002110154             O ce: 410-479-4477
                    HENDERSON UMC
                                                                                               Mobile: 240-417-2033
                                                                                 10025 Miller Rd,
                                                Pastor Dale Krupla                Denton, MD     FAX: 410-479-3877
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