Page 26 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 26

4-6 years, Wednesdays, July 10     Karate                             for belt-testing and advancement.
               through August 14, 6:00 pm -
               6:45 pm, Fretterd Community        Panda Cubs - (new students         7-8 years., Thursdays, July 11
               Center, Room 104, $89.             with no belt or current students   through August 29, 6:00 pm –
               (Advanced - for students with      with camo stripe belt)             6:30 pm, Fretterd Community
               several classes of experience.)                                       Center, Gym, $69.
                                                  An energetic introduction to Karate
               4-6 years, Thursdays, July 11      through exercises and games. Learn   Tiger Cubs - (current students with
               through August 15, 5:30 pm -       this ancient martial art and improve   green stripe - black stripe belt).
               6:15 pm, Fretterd Community        self-confidence and self-respect, build   Learn even more about this ancient
               Center, Room 104, $89.             character, body dynamics and physical
                                                  fitness, make new friends and have fun.   martial art and continue to improve
                                                                                     self-confidence and self-respect,
               Rec Gymnastics                     Instruction includes warm-up, basic   build character, body dynamics and
                                                  karate techniques, and forms under
               Focused on building good           the direction of Sensei Karine Ireland.   physical fitness, make new friends
                                                                                     and have fun. Instruction includes
               fundamentals, tumbling, and work   Youth classes require an attendance   warm-up, intermediate karate
               on the low balance beam, this class is   minimum for belt-testing and   techniques, kata/forms, and sparring
               perfect for the young gymnast who   advancement. No experience required.  under the direction of Sensei Karine
               is not currently interested in formal                                 and Sensei Roger. Youth classes
               competition. Designed to help the   5-6 years., Mondays, July 8       require an attendance minimum
               recreational gymnast develop skills   through August 26, 6:00 pm –    for belt-testing and advancement.
               while having fun and provide a solid   6:30 pm, Fretterd Community
               foundation should they decide to   Center, Gym, $59.                  8-10 years, Mondays, July 8
               move to the next level and join a team.    Leopard Cubs (current students   through August 26, 6:45 pm –
               Under the direction of Joan Dyott.  with yellow - orange stripe belt)  7:45 pm, Fretterd Community
               Beginner (1 night): 7-12 years,    The next step for children that have   Center, Gym, $69.
               Wednesdays, July 10 through August   completed Panda Cubs or older    Beginner/Intermediate Shotokan
               14, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Fretterd    children new to karate. Learn this   Karate (current students with
               Community Center, Room 104, $109.  ancient martial art and improve    yellow or orange belt).

               Advanced (2 nights): 7-12 years,   self-confidence and self-respect,   Accelerate skill development with
               Tuesdays and Thursdays, July 9     build character, body dynamics and   focused instruction and interaction
               through August 15, 6:30 pm -       physical fitness, make new friends   with beginning and intermediate
               7:30 pm, Fretterd Community        and have fun. Instruction includes   students. Instruction includes
               Center, Room 104, $189.            warm-up, basic karate techniques,   warm-up, basic karate techniques, kata/
                                                  and kata/forms under the direction of
                                                  Sensei Karine Ireland. Youth classes   forms, and sparring and self-defense
                                                  require an attendance minimum

                                                 CRABS  •  SHRIMP  •  FISH
                                                    OYSTERS  •  CLAMS
                                                   LOBSTER  •  SCALLOPS
                                                  MUSSELS  •    CALAMARI                 Trophies  •  Plaques
                                                         AND MORE...                   Acrylics  •  Medallions

                                                                                            Call us about your
                                                                                             project or event
                                                                                          Recognize Excellence
                                                                                          Reward Achievement
                                                                                        5 to7 day turn around time
                                                                                        All work done on premises
                                                    9620 New Bridge Rd., Denton             Fax: 410-479-8442
                                                     Mon-Fri 11-6  |  Sat-Sun 10-6        Hours: 10-5 Mon. - Fri.

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