Page 27 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 27

under the direction of Sensei Roger   hour sessions 5:30 pm -7:00 pm,   Ages 8-11, June 10 through June
               Price. Belt testing and advancement   Denton Elementary, $59.         29, Mondays and Tuesdays 5:45
               requires attendance minimum.                                          pm - 6:30 pm, Preston Elementary
                                                  Grades 5–6 (in fall), Wednesdays,   Tennis Courts, Ridgely, $59.
               12 years and up, Thursdays,        June 26 through July 24,
               July 11 through August 29,         1/2 hour 5:30 pm -7:00 pm,         Ages 12-15, June 10 through June
               6:45 pm – 7:45 pm, Fretterd        Ridgely Elementary, $59.           29, Mondays and Tuesdays 5:45
               Community Center, Gym, $69.                                           pm - 6:30 pm, Preston Elementary
                                                                                     Tennis Courts, Ridgely, $59.
               Advanced Shotokan Karate - (ages   Youth Pickleball Academy
               12+ or by invitation from Sensei)
                                                  Summer is here and school is out!    Summer Teen Drama Production
               For karate students that are serious   Register your kids to learn all about   This six-week program, running
               about furthering their skills and   the game that is sweeping the nation   for over 40 years, is a must if
               abilities.  Students will assist during   - Pickleball!  Over the course of four   you are interested in the theater!
               Leopard Cubs and Beginner/         days, participants will learn the basics   Learn all the elements of theatre
               Intermediate classes then transition   of the game, get in some physical   production including acting,
               to instruction focused on their    activity, and have lots of fun!    costuming, lighting, and set-design
               own development under the                                             with Master Thespian Keith Shaffer,
               direction of Sensei John Liszewski.   Ages 8-11, June 17 through June   North Caroline High School drama
               Belt testing and advancement       20, 5:00 pm -6:00 pm, 4th St.      coach for more than 20 years.
               requires attendance minimum.       Park, Tennis Courts, $59.
               12+ years, Mon and Thursdays,      Ages 12-15, June 17 through        12 - 19 years, Open auditions for
                                                                                     will be held Tuesday, June 4 and
               July 8 through August 29,          June 20, 6:15 pm -7:15 pm, 4th     Wednesday, June 5 from 3:00 pm – 5:00
               6:45 pm – 8:45 pm, Fretterd        St. Park, Tennis Courts, $59.      pm at North Caroline High School.
               Community Center, Gym, $139.
                                                                                     Rehearsals will be at Lockerman
               Karate - Lightsaber Training       CTA Junior Tennis Summer Camp      Middle School, and then moving to
                                                                                     Colonel Richardson High School for
               The lightsaber is the weapon of a   Tennis instruction for ages 5-15 years   final rehearsals and performances.
               Jedi, an elegant weapon of a more   old for beginning and intermediate   The Production dates will be Friday,
               civilized age.  Young Padawan will   skill levels! Includes seven sessions on   August 3 and Saturday, August 4.
               train with Jedi Master John Liszewski   Saturday mornings and Wednesday   Each young thespian will receive a
               in simple sword play, in a way that   evenings. Instruction will include   commemorative T-shirt. More details
               will maximize the visual impact of the   skill drills to establish ball control and   to come as the program gets closer.
               saber movements.  Basic lightsaber will   racket use, as well as instructor lead
               be provided.  The class will culminate   games with a goal to build rally play.   Young Musicians Summer
               with a performance during Caroline   For additional information go to www.  Academy
               Summerfest on August 16th or 17th. Make up dates,
                                                  if needed on Thursdays 6/20, 6/27.  Four half days of workshops, lessons,
               7 years and up, Wednesdays,                                           and performance returns! Instruction
               July 24 through August 14,         Ages 5-7, June 8 through June 29,   by guest artists and regional music
               6:00 pm -7:00 pm, Fretterd         Wednesdays 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm and   education masters! Especially designed
               Community Center, Gym, $29         Satursdays 8:45 am - 9:30 am, Martin   to enrich standard band and orchestra
                                                  Sutton Tennis Courts, Ridgely, $59.  instrumental musicians at the middle

               S.L.A.M! Summer Lessons for As-    Ages 8-11, June 8 through June 29,   and high school level. For complete
                                                                                     details go to Lunch and
               piring Musicians                   Wednesdays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm and   snacks provided. Students should
                                                  Saturdays 9:30 am - 10:30 am, Martin
               Weekly instrument lessons with     Sutton Tennis Courts, Ridgely, $59.  bring instruments. T-shirt included
                                                                                     with registration through May 31.
               Ashley Weer and Gillian Cheezum—
               two music educators who will refine   Ages 12-15, June 8 through      The program is supported by a grant
               and inspire your child’s musical   June 29, Wednesdays 7:30 pm        from Caroline County Council of Arts.
               talents.  Beginning players welcome,   - 8:30 pm and Satursdays 10:30
               but they must have their own       am - 11:30 am, Martin Sutton       Grades 6–12 (in fall),  June 24
               instrument. Half-hour lessons are   Tennis Courts, Ridgely, $59.      through June 27, 9:00 am - 1:00
               in small, like-instrument groups.                                     pm, Colonel Richardson High
                                                  Ages 5-7, June 10 through June     School, Federalsburg $119.
               Grades 5–6 (in fall), Tuesdays,    29, Mondays and Tuedays 5:45
               June 25 through July 23, 1/2       pm - 6:30 pm, Preston Elementary
                                                  Tennis Courts, Ridgely, $59.
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