Page 32 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 32

Caroline County                 various committees in her time in

                     Garden Club                  the club, as well as serving as hostess
                                                  and providing horticulture specimens
                                                  and  oral arrangements for countless

                     By Tammy Coulbourne          meetings over the years.  She is known
                                                  for her dependability, and for stepping

                e Caroline County Garden Club     in when needed and helping out in any
               presented member Jan Edwards, of   way possible.
               Ridgely, MD, with the club’s Mary
               Holt Memorial Award at its May 2024   When asked what her proudest
               meeting.                           moment was during her time in
                                                  the Caroline County Garden Club,

                e Mary Holt Memorial Award is     Edwards recalled the time she
               awarded bi-annually and is named in   earned the champion ribbon for her
               memory of dedicated and longtime   horticulture exhibit of a fringe tree
               club member Mary Holt.   e award is   specimen at one of the club’s past   Jan Edwards was honored with the Mary

               given to club members who personify    ower shows.  She also has fond   Holt Memoiral Award by the Caroline

               excellence in horticulture and design.  memories of past members of the   County Garden Club.
               Edwards joined the club in 1998 and   club who she says were great sources
               has been a very active participant   of knowledge and inspiration to her,   More information on the Caroline
               since that time, serving as president   and she credits the garden club for   County Garden Club can be found on
               and vice-president previously, and   teaching her everything she knows   Facebook at “Caroline County Garden
               currently serves as corresponding   about gardening.                  Club-Maryland” or by calling 410-253-
               secretary.  She has also served on                                    9540.

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