Page 34 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 34

H     ealth       C     orner            Tips, Classes and
                                                                                      Programs to help

                                                                                      you live healthier!

                                                  by the tobacco industry for        Individuals with chronic mental
                                                  years. Tobacco companies used      illness die on average 5-25 years
                                                  to donate free cigarettes to psy-  earlier than the general popula-
                The Behavioral Health Population   chiatric facilities.  ey lobbied   tion. Smoking related illnesses

                        & Tobacco Use             for psychiatric facilities to be   such as cardiovascular disease,
                    By Heather Grove, BSN, RN     excluded in the Joint Commis-      lung disease, and diabetes are
                                                  sion 1993 ban on smoking in        the top causes of death.  Tobac-

                e behavioral health popula-       hospitals.  ey funded mislead-     co use contributes to more than

               tion includes individuals at       ing research.  ey marketed the     three times as many deaths as

               risk for or living with mental,    idea that nicotine is helpful for   alcohol and illicit drugs.
               behavioral, and/or substance       emotional issues.

               use disorders.  is particular                                          ere are a lot of myths sur-

               population has higher smoking       ese predatory marketing           rounding smoking and the

               rates than the general public and   strategies contribute to the high   behavioral health population.
               disproportionate tobacco-relat-    rate of smoking among the          Let’s dispute them:
               ed health disparities. Individuals   behavioral health population
               in this population tend to have    today. Adults with mental ill-     Myth: People with mental ill-
               less access to tobacco treatment   ness or substance use disorders    nesses and/or substance abuse
               and are underrepresented in        account for 40% of all cigarettes   disorders are not interested in
               treatment trials.                  smoked. People with behavioral     stopping smoking.
                                                  health disorders are dying from    Truth:   e truth is most people,

               People with behavioral health      smoking related causes.            including those with mental ill-
               conditions have been exploited                                        nesses and addictions know the

                                                                               PART TIME BARTENDER
                                     EXAMS &
                                     •  Truck/Bus Drivers            HELP WANTED
                                     •  Basic Med for Pilots
                                     •  Coast Guard for Boaters
                                     •  Pre-Op for Upcoming                American Legion Caroline Post 29
                                         Surgery                               9238 Legion Rd, Denton

                                                                        Experienced and dependable part time
                                        Board Certi ed                   bartender needed for our Membership
                                   Occupational Medicine                Lounge. Must be MD TIPS certi ed.  is
                                                                        position is mostly nights, weekends, and
                                            C.E. Jensen, MD              holidays. You will be serving Veterans,
                                               Denton, MD                      their families, and friends.

                                                                            Contact Jim at 410-310-5802 or

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