Page 35 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 35

dangers and many want to stop      getting advice from a friend that   the withdrawal process stops

               smoking. Over 80% have made        has already stopped smoking.       for a short time.  is “quiets the
               at least one attempt to stop in    Myth: People with mental illness   cravings’’ for a few moments,
               their lifetime.                    need to smoke to manage their      providing a false sense of stress
                                                  illness or self-medicate.          relief. Smoking relieves with-
               Myth: People with mental ill-      Truth: When someone is addict-     drawal symptoms. Smoking
               nesses and substance abuse         ed to nicotine and they smoke,     maintains a nicotine addiction.
               disorders cannot stop smoking.
               Truth: Clinical trials show
               otherwise. People with mental                               KEEP THE BEAT
               illnesses and substance abuse
               disorders can stop smoking
               when provided the means and                                 CPR & First Aid Training
               support to do so. Helpful strate-                           Training for:
               gies are similar to the general                             • Healthcare  • Boat Captains
                                                                                        • Coaches...
               population including - having                               • Daycare    we do them all!
               social support from friends or       CPR and First Aid
               family, direction and support        valid for 2 years      410-758-2022                   Quality, fun
               from a doctor, use of nicotine       WE ARE AHA INSTRUCTORS  147 Log Canoe Cir.           & a   ordable
               replacement medications, and        For upcoming classes:   Stevensville, MD 21666          training!

                                                                 Quality Health Care

                                                                for the Entire Family

                                             Seven Locations to Serve You

                     Federalsburg Medical          Chestertown Health Center             Easton Pediatrics
                        & Dental Centers                  443-215- 5353                     410-770-8910
                                                    Cambridge Fassett-Magee                 St. Michaels
                      Denton Health Center                 Health Center               Bay Hundred Medical
                          410-479-2650              Cambridge Dental Center               & Dental Centers
                                                           410-228-4045                    410-745-0200
                      Goldsboro Medical &
                         Dental Centers
                                              Now Welcoming New Medical Patients
                                       Accepting Medicare, Medicaid & Most Major Insurance Plans

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