Page 40 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 40

care coverage, as well as their current   earlier. Note that one must also be
               Senior                             Medicare A & B coverage, will NOT   enrolled in a Medicare Prescription
                                                  be a ected by this change. Only
                                                                                     Part D Drug Plan Before enrolling

                                                  prescription drug coverage is a ected.
                                                                                     in any of these three programs.

                  Spot                            If you were hired by the State before   1.  e Maryland State Retiree

                                                  July 1, 2011, and retired from the State
                                                                                     Prescription Drug Program will
                                                  on or before January 1, 2020, you will
                                                  receive funding from the State to pay   provide reimbursement for out-of-
                        Senior Moments            for the cost of prescriptions.  ey   pocket costs of more than $1500

                        by Mary Moran             will set up a Health Reimbursement   annually for an individual and $2000.
                                                                                     out-of-pocket costs for a family.
                  410-479-2535 or 410-490-3078    Account (HRA) in your name and
                                                  will contribute tax-free money to help   2.  e Maryland State Retiree

               As we extend warm wishes for a happy   pay for your medications. You will be   Catastrophic Prescription Drug

               retirement to the War elds, Senior   noti ed if you qualify for the HRA.  Assistance Program is designed to
               Moments would like to welcome our                                     reimburse for out-of-pocket costs
               new publisher and owner, Debbie     All retirees are now eligible for   a er one reaches the catastrophic

               Bowden, to the Caroline Review. Our   prescription drug coverage through   coverage phase of Medicare D.
               county has come to rely on the wealth   Medicare Part D. Retirees must enroll
               of information found in this magazine,   during Open Enrollment which is   3.  e Maryland State Retiree

               and we look forward to many more   October 15- December 7th.  e       Life Sustaining Prescription Drug
               years of excellence under her guidance.  state is working on contracting with   Assistance Program reimburses
                                                  a company to provide one-on-one    out-of-pocket costs for a life-
               Since SHIP has been getting some   counseling to assist with the process of   sustaining drug that IS covered
               calls from readers, I am sharing an   enrolling in a Medicare Prescription   under the current State Prescription

               update about State retiree prescription   Drug Plan.  ey indicate more   Drug Bene t plan but is Not covered

               drug coverage ending at the end of   information should be available in   by Medicare. “A list of those life-
               this year.  According to a letter issued   July. Of course, your Caroline County   sustaining drugs will be made available
               by the Department of Budget and    SHIP will be available to assist you   at a later time.” And “there may be a
               Management on January 15, 2024,    with enrollment as well! Stay tuned   maximum reimbursement amount
               state retirees will no longer have   for more information from Mary   if a retiree quali es for a partial

               prescription drug coverage as part of   Moran as the summer progresses.    State health insurance subsidy.”
               their retirement bene ts as of January

               1, 2025. Much of the following state    ere are three plans, referred    e information provided here is

               information is quoted from the letter   to as the Maryland State Retiree   not all-inclusive, and there are other
               State Retirees are receiving and from   Prescription Drug Coverage    details regarding eligibility for each
               the website https//:   Programs. To be eligible, your last
                                                  day of work before retiring must   program. For more information
               Active workers’ and retirees’ health   have been on December 31, 2019, or   call your State Department of
                                                                                     Budget and Management to speak
                                                                                     to a representative at 800-307-
                              TURNIN  65?                                            8283 or 410—767-4775, or go to
                                                                                     the agency’s website at https://

                  Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options?          ts
                                      Let me Help You!
                                                                                     Happy Father’s Day!
                                                 Contact Anne Anthony
                                                                                            Denton Senior Center
                                                 A       I
                                                       S                             June is  nally here and brought

                                                  410-708-0899                       summer temperatures with it.

                                                      e Caroline Senior Center will
                                                                                     celebrate the kicko  of Summer

                     Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans,                    2024 with plenty of summer-

                      Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D,                     themed cra s and activities! June
                          Dental and Vision, and Life Insurance                      is World Elder Abuse Month.

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