Page 41 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 41

•  Starting June 4 at 10:00      informative presentations on           special Potluck Luncheon. If
                   am  eresa Barker will           nancial exploitation, neglect,        you want to join us, please

                   present a 12-week class on     elder scams, banking scams             bring in a covered dish.
                   Diabetes every Tuesday.        throughout the month.
                                                                                     •   June 13 - Susan Wol erg from

                 •  Dutch Lunch Out is June 12    June cra s for the month will          Candle Light Cove will be

                   at China Bu et in Easton.      be Floral Painted Rocks to             hosting an information session

                   Come join us at 11:00 am       decorate your home, Floral             about Dementia.

                   for fellowship together!!      Chalkboard Cra , Terra Cotta
                                                  Citronella Candle Cra              •   June 18 - We will be joining the
                 •  For the month of June, we                                            Caroline/Denton Senior Center

                   will be focusing on building    is month’s Dutch Lunch Out            for Father’s Day activities and

                   a Stronger Memory.  is fun     will be to Harlem’s Kitchen, a         a BBQ.
                   Stronger Memory program        new locally owned restaurant.

                   provides a curriculum                                             •   June 27 - Bingo  ursdays with
                   designed to stimulate the part   •   June 4 - the center will host a   a special Summer Bingo.
                   of the brain that governs our      ‘Summer Kick O  ” with a free   June Birthdays: Norma Phillips,
                   ability to retrieve memories.      breakfast, Michelle Hammond    Peggy Andrews
                   It encourages participants         will be here presenting her
                   to spend 20 to 30 minutes          Health and Wellbeing classes,
                   completing simple and              Tyrell James will be here
                   fun reading, writing, and          with our evidence-based
                   math problems daily.               exercise class, SAIL and Erika
                                                      Nelson will be back that day

                 •  Cra s for June will include       to do mini manicures.
                   a summer Hat Wreath,
                   Rock Painting, Essential       •   June 11  - informative

                   Candles, and Wind Chimes.          presentations on  nancial
                                                      exploitation, neglect, elder
                 •   e center is celebrating          scams, banking scams, and

                   Father’s Day on June 18th with     Elder Abuse themed Bingo

                   a Father’s Day Bingo at 10:00      with prizes.  is year’s
                   am followed by a cook-out at       presenters will be Denise
                   noon. Happy Father’s Day!          Coppage from Summit
                                                      Bank, Deb Nicholson,
                                                      USA Ombudsman and                       Daily Ac�vi�es
                   Federalsburg Senior Center
                                                      Crystal Terhune from                      RN on Call
               June is World Elder Abuse              University MD Extension.             Home Cooked Meals,

               month.  e Federalsburg                                                       Snacks & Beverages

               Senior Center will be o ering      •   June 13 - June birthdays            Laundry & Housekeeping
                                                      will be celebrated with a             Licensed to Provide
                                                                                            Care for Levels 1,2,3
                                                                                               Memory Care
                                               Samaritan House                         Special Diet & Dining Assistance
                                                                                       Post-rehabilita�on Partnerships
                                                 T      S                               with Doctors and Therapists
                                                                                             and much more...
                                                     Wed.-Fri. 10 AM - 2 PM
                                                       Sat. 9 AM - noon        
                                             Fifth Street in Denton behind the Post O ce

                            Sponsored by United Concerned Christians                   Come Home to Arcadia

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