Page 46 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 46

SATURDAYS                                            to leave a message  Donations are always welcome
               Greater Impact has Worship Experience at 11:00 am and   Preston Historical Society Museum hours for the
               Impact Kids ages 3-11 at 11:00 am every Saturday.    museum are 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. The museum is
               The Museum of Rural Life (RLM), 16 N. 2nd St.,       located at 167 Main Street in Preston. For more
               Denton, is open the following Saturdays in June:  June   information visit www.prestonhistoricalsociety.
               1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm.  The RLM   com or Facebook at “Preston Historical Society.”
               houses WWI and WWII exhibits, a new Buffalo Soldier   Upper Shore Genealogical Society of Maryland - The
               exhibit, an intact sharecropper’s cabin, ship models from   Research Center/Library is located at 12156 Greensboro
               various eras of Caroline shipbuilding and elsewhere,   Road, Greensboro. The hours of operation are most
               memorabilia from FDR’s visit to Denton in 1938, as   Saturdays, from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. The Research
               well as many other exhibits and artifacts.  A docent   Center is usually closed on holiday weekends and dates
               is on hand for tours.  Enter the museum through the   of membership meetings. Particularly for out of town
               Annie Taylor House, built in 1819 by a merchant.  Free   researchers, the Research Center can be visited by special
               to the public.  Visit    410-479-2055   request. Email us at Membership

                                                                    meetings are held at 1:00 p.m. the second Saturday of
                                                                    January, March, May, September and November. Locations
                  TRINITY UMC  CALVARY UMC  Calvary United          may vary, but will be posted on the website at usgsmd.

                                  Methodist Church                  org  and our official Facebook group prior to meetings.
                                                                    Men, come join us for “Men Praying Together” every
                                   145 Halltown Road, Marydel MD    Saturday. Women, come join us for “Women Prayer
                                                                    Together” every Saturday. Time is 8:30 am - 9:30 am.
                                    Sunday Worship 11:00 AM         Come fellowship with other believers and be strengthened
                                        Sunday School 9:45 AM
                    HENDERSON UMC         September-June            and inspired. All are welcome—bring a neighbor/friend.
                                                                    Join us at Calvary Baptist Church, 1120 Market Street,
                                                Pastor Dale Krupla  Denton. Contact:  410-924-6404, donaldwreynolds@

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