Page 48 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 48

145 Halltown Road, Marydel MD      (Westminster, MD); Curtis Hyler    from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Take kids
               and at 6:00 pm at Trinity United   & Jubilation Quartet (Greenville,   ages 3-12 deep into an amazing
               Methodist Church, 302 Church Lane,   NC). A Love Offering will be     undersea adventure where they’ll
               Goldsboro, MD.  Pastor Dale Krupla.  taken, and bottled water will be   experience the ever-flowing,
               SATURDAY, JUNE 1                   available at a nominal cost (no    never-ending love of God.
               Ladies…”Mugs & Muffins” will be    food in church). For information,   WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 - FRI-
               held at 9:30 am – 11:30 am at 9005   call Holiday Park 410-482-6797.  DAY, JUNE 28
               Pealiquor Landing Dr., Denton, MD   SUNDAY, JUNE 16                   Children in Grades 1-5 (ages 6-11) are
               21629. This is a special Bible Study just   FATHER’S DAY AT CALVARY!  Join   invited to join us for Camp Calvary,
               for women. Come join us for a special   us at Calvary Baptist Church at 11:00   a day camp with fun activities and
               time of sistership and Bible teaching.   am where we will honor our fathers.   the Word of God. Lunch, snacks,
               MONDAY, JUNE 3                     Please invite your extended family   and drinks will be provided free of
                                                                                     charge. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Wednesday
               Grocery Bingo - at the Cordova     and friends always. We also host   and Thursday,  9:00 am - noon
               Firehouse. Doors open at 5:45      Jr. Church (Ages 5-11) and a great   Friday.  Registration is necessary.
               pm and games begin at 6:30 pm.     Nursery for little ones. Bible Study for
               Refreshments will be available for   all ages is at 10:00 am as well. Sunday   Forms can be picked up at the
                                                                                     church. Call Nancy Reynolds (410-
               purchase. This is the last Bingo before   Evening Worship is always at 7:00 pm.  924-6344) if you have questions.
               the Summer.  Bingo will resume in   MONDAY, JUNE 17 - FRIDAY,
               September! For more information,   JUNE 21
               call Rose at 410-708-9836.         SCUBA VBS at Greater Impact
               THURSDAY, JUNE 6
               Heartland Quilt Guild Public
               Safety Appreciation meet-and-greet
               Thursday, June 6 from 6:00 pm -8
               pm, during the Guild’s regular first
               Thursday of the month guild meeting
               at Choptank Electric, 24820 Meeting
               House Rd, Denton, Md.

               SUNDAY, JUNE 9                        14374 Benedictine Ln | Ridgely, MD  21660
               Eternal Life Ministries 3rd Choir        THE COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY
               Anniversary. All choir, solo,
               and praise dancers are welcome.              AT MARTIN’S HOUSE & BARN
               807 Market Street Denton.                      (This is our new name, was previously Saint Martin’s Barn)
               Information 410-714-1087.
               MONDAY, JUNE 10                             Drive-Thru Pantry and Thri  Store Hours:
               Caroline County AARP Chapter            Tuesday, Thursday, Friday          Martes, Jueves, Viernes
               915 meets at noon, with a covered          8:30 am - 11:30 am                 8:30 am - 11:30 am
               dish luncheon, at the Church of the   Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm        Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
               Nazarene in Denton.  Come and enjoy

               music with the Hummingbirds.  New         Thri  Store is also open First Saturdays 8 am-Noon
               Members and Guests are welcome. For
               more information, call 410-482-6039.              FOOD ASSISTANCE:
               FRIDAY, JUNE 14                                    PLEASE CALL OUR BARN MANAGER
               Crab cake, fish, or oven baked                          AT 410.634.2537 EXT. 111
               chicken dinner, which include
               potato salad, green beans, roll, and   RENT & UTILITIES ASSISTANCE:
               bottle of water. Noon at Eternal           PLEASE CALL OUR HOUSING & SUPPORT SERVICES
               Life Ministries, 807  Market St.,               COORDINATOR AT 410-634-2537 EXT. 105
               Denton. All are welcome.                All staff at Martin’s House & Barn are following CDC guidelines

               FRIDAY, JUNE 14                           for social distancing and  COVID prevention, including daily
               Join us for our 2024 GOSPEL                           temperature checks and masking.
               CONCERT SERIES at 7:00                      We ask that clients also please wear a mask and maintain
               pm. We will have Ray Bennett
               (Hampton Roads, VA); The Itzels            distance of six feet when staff bring the food to the vehicle.

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