Page 52 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 52

The Secret Life of Adkins

                       Photographs by Kellen McCluskey, on View through June 29 at Adkins Arboretum

                You can lose yourself in Kellen McCluskey’s large-scale
                photographs of bees, blossoms, birds and trees. In her show

                “ e Secret Life of Adkins,” on view in the Visitor’s Center
                at Adkins Arboretum through June 29, this Centreville
                artist captures stunningly intimate views of the Arboretum
                through all the seasons of the year.
                McCluskey has been shooting photographs at the

                Arboretum ever since she joined its sta  in 2015. Although
                she has held several positions over the years, she currently

                serves in Development and is the Arboretum’s  rst Sta
                Photographer, a role she relishes because it gives her the
                unique opportunity to take photographs in nature at all
                times of day and in every season.
                For more than 25 years, she has been taking photos of the
                natural world with a digital camera using available light
                without arti cial enhancements or specialized equipment.

                While her photographs are featured in the Arboretum’s
                brochures, calendars and weekly newsletter emails, this  rst

                solo exhibition of her work o ers a chance to see how her
                skills, sensitivity and knowledge of the  ora and fauna of the

                Adkins landscape have coalesced to create a breathtaking   Nature photographer, Kellen McCluskey, says, “Color! I love color,
                portrait of the richness and bounty of the natural world.  and I’m always on the hunt for anything that deviates from leaf green
                                                                    or bark brown.”
                                                                                      ere’s magic in McCluskey’s photos,

                                                 Do you need                         as there is in all of nature, and “ e
                                                                                     Secret Life of Adkins” is a show that
                                                                                     stirs a sense of wonder and curiosity
                                      POOL  WATER                                    about what’s to be discovered when
                                                                                     you slow down and really look.
                                           to  et your summer                        McClusky spends most of her days
                                                                                     at the Arboretum and has such an
                                                 fun started?                        intimate knowledge of its varied
                                                                                     landscapes and the cycles of its

                                                                                     seasons.  is show is an invitation to
                                                                                     to search them out for yourself.
                   W   e can  l    l your ne    w  o  r  is   t i ng po  o l !        is show is part of Adkins
                   We can  ll your new  or  isting pool!

                                                                                     Arboretum’s ongoing exhibition series
                                                                                     of work on natural themes by regional
                                                                                     artists. It is on view through June 29 at
                                                                                     the Arboretum Visitor’s Center located
                   No matter the size of your pool,                                  at 12610 Eveland Road near Tuckahoe
                                                                                     State Park in Ridgely. Contact the
                       we can get you 	lled up!                                      Arboretum at 410-634-2847, ext. 100
                                                                                     or for
                    Murphy Transport Inc.                                            gallery hours.
                        410-634-2300                                                 A 400-acre native garden and preserve,
                                                                                     Adkins Arboretum provides exceptional
                                                        421 W Belle Road,  PO Box 6,   experiences in nature to promote
                                                           Ridgely, MD 21660
                                                                                     environmental stewardship.
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