Page 29 - June 2024 Issue Website
P. 29

Events at Martinak and                        Baseball Poker Walk: Meet at the Martinak State Park

                       Tuckahoe State Parks                         O ce at noon on June 1, for a walk to the Wharves
                                                                    of Choptank Visitor Center for a three plus mile

                                                                    walk. Prizes will be awarded for the best hand.  en,
               Healthy Parks, Healthy People continues into its     checkout the baseball exhibit at the Visitor Center
               seventh year of providing outdoor nature experiences   sponsored by the Caroline County Historical Society.
               and activities for the community. Join in on the     $25.00 per adult and free for kids under 12. Historical
               fun. Register to receive information on any of       Society Member cost is $20.00. Hot dog, water, and
               these free or low cost programs by emailing Karen.   Cracker Jacks are included with each ticket. Register
      Improve your health by      by emailing,
               enjoying the natural world around you. Check our
               website for more park activities by clicking on the   Plant Swap: On June 2 from noon - 2:00 pm join

               calendar of events at  HPHP sta  at Martinak Nature Center for a plant
                                                                    swap. Bring a plant and take home another while
               Special Event                                        learning about the bene ts of native plants.

               Lore of the Land Sensory Trail Grand Opening:

               On Saturday, June 1, join in on all the National     Paint A ernoon: On Sunday June 2, at 2:00 pm,
               Trail Day activities at Tuckahoe State Park.  Come   learn the techniques of painting on glass at the
               explore the use of your senses on the Lore of        Martinak State Park Nature Center.  $15 includes
               the Land Trail.   en take guided hikes with the      instruction, all materials and refreshments.

               rangers or rent a kayak and enjoy the waterway       To reserve your seat, call 410-924-1529.
               trail.  For more information call 410- 820-1668.     Fishing Derby: Free Fishing for kids on Saturday,
                                                                    June 8 at 12:30 pm at Martinak State Park boat ramp.
                                                                    Fishing poles and bait will be provided, and the
                                                                    Caroline County Health Department will be on hand
                 Now offering cleaning methods and products to       with a special display and goodies for the kids. Prizes
                 protect your home or business that are approved    will be awarded in various categories and age groups.
                 by the CDC and EPA in the fight against Covid-19.
                      Contact us so that we can create a customizable plan  Diversity Around Us: A lecture and walk will be held

                                 ection of your home or business
                         or the disinf
                         f  f  for the disinfection of your home or business	  at Adkins Arboretum on  ursday, June 20 at 1:00
                         or the disinf
                                 ection of your home or business
                                                                    pm.  Reptiles and amphibians on the Coastal Plain
                                                                    will be presented and followed by a walk learning
                                                                    about what kind of reptiles and amphibians can be
                                                                    found, how to look for them safely, and how to identify

                             esidential & Commercial
                           Residential & Commercial                 them in the  eld. To register, call 410.634.2847.
                             Construction Cleaning
                             Construction Cleaning                  Slow Birding: Slow birding is easily de ned as sitting

                               Window Cleaning                      or standing in one place for extended periods of
                          One time - Weekly  –  Bi-Weekly
                          One time - W eekly  –  Bi- W eekly        time and paying close attention to the birds that are
                          One time - W
                                     eekly  –  Bi-
                             Monthly or customize a                 around you and those that come in to observe you.
                               schedule that’s right                Join Jim Wilson on the bridge at Adkins Arboretum

                  For               for you!                        on  ursday, June 6 at 6:30 pm to enjoy a relaxing
                  Over 25 years!                                    evening listening to and observing the birds.
                            DCS                                     have an interest in birds and that can stay stationary
                                                                    stationary encouraged to bring their children that
                   Details Cleaning Service                         for longer periods of time. Feel free to contact Jim
                                                                    Wilson at with questions.
                                                                    Nature Walks and Hikes
                   Owners: Chris &       Free        Bonded &
                   Shelly Macmillan    Estimates      Insured       Martinak Morning Walk: Meet at the Martinak

                  800-482-8009  •  443-867-7330  • 443-867-7331     State Park O ce at 10:30 pm on Tuesdays and

                                ursdays for a guided walk on a paved trail. Walks
                                                                    are approximately 1.5 miles in length or about 3,000

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