Page 18 - July 2023 Issue.indd
P. 18
Caroline CASA adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s),
trauma-informed practices, and the
Court Appointed Special Advocate child welfare system. Th e Montgomerys
are CASA of Caroline’s second CASA
by Amy Horne, Executive
Team, and Pete, Rich and Kristina will
Director, CASA of Caroline all be providing individual advocacy.
“These five people bring a wealth of
Volunteers are the
knowledge and experiences to our
backbone of CASA
program, and they really enhance our
of Caroline. Th ey are
already top-notch level of advocacy”,
the ones who do the
said Executive Director Amy Horne.
hard work of meeting
“That’s one of the great things about
with the children we
CASA volunteers”, continued Horne.
serve, forming that
“They come from all walks of life, are
picture of the child’s life and what’s in
different ages and genders, bring varying
the child’s best interest, and writing
lived experiences – but they all have one
court reports to make recommendations
thing in common and that is their desire
that support the child’s well-being and
to make a difference in a child’s life.”
positive long-term outcomes. CASA
volunteers are the eyes and ears of the CASA of Caroline’s mission is to recruit
court, and they are the voices of the and train volunteers who advocate for
children. Our organization cannot exist children in foster care; children who’ve
without them. At the beginning of June, been removed from their homes due
CASA of Caroline welcomed fi ve new to abuse or neglect. Those who are
volunteers, bringing the total number interested in volunteering can fill out
of active volunteers to thirteen. an application on the CASA website.
Once the application is received, you
On Friday, June 2, The Honorable
Heather L. Price swore in Kristina will be invited to the CASA office
Davis, Richard Wales, and Jim and for an interview and background
Louise Montgomery as new volunteers. check prior to being enrolled in the
And on Tuesday, June 6, she swore pre-service training class. The class is
in Pete Buesgens. Each one of these broken down to six classroom sessions,
volunteers successfully completed the along with regular homework and a
CASA pre-service training program court observation day. Upon successful
during which they learned about completion of the pre-service training
Pictured left to right: The Honorable Heather L. Price, Jim and Louise Montgomery, Kristina Davis, Richard Wales, and
Amy Horne, CASA of Caroline Executive Director.