Page 13 - November 2023 Issue.indd
P. 13
level of knowledge in a specifi c field or subject in order to I strongly believe that one way to lessen the burden of student
understand the complexities of certain careers... Doctors, loan debt is to not incur it in the first place. Make doing a
lawyers, and accountants to name a few. cost/benefit analysis part of your family’s higher education
But many professions, plumbers, electricians, heating, and
air conditioning mechanics to name a few, only require A major part of any financial literacy conversation is based on
additional focused training and time on the job to become a simple premise. Being financially literate has little relevance
an acknowledged professional in their chosen field of work. if you don’t first start with an income or revenue source.
Knowing what to do with your income and the options of
Caroline County Public Schools (CCPS) has been in the
how to spend it, leverage it to acquire things (home, car), and
forefront of teaching and exposing students to financial saving it, is the essence of financial literacy.
literacy and money management. CCPS was one of the fi rst
systems in the state to require all students to complete a Educating consumers (students) about options (jobs/careers)
financial literacy class in order to graduate. Students are also that are available that lead to a fulfilling and rewarding
exposed to several Career Days throughout their K-12 years. life is the culmination of a well-rounded education. Junior
Achievement is an integral part of making that happen.
CCPS also participates in Junior Achievement of the Eastern
Shore programming. Focusing on three areas of financial Please reach out to me if you have any interest in volunteering,
literacy, career exploration and entrepreneurship, JA provides contributing, or supporting Junior Achievement of the Eastern
many programs to the elementary, middle, and high school Shore in other ways.
experiences. Local businesspeople present programs in the 3rd
Mr. Rowe is Vice President/Lending for Bay Capital Mortgage
and 4th grades exposing children to concepts of marketing,
Corp. with offices in Easton and Annapolis. He has lived in
the broad economy, and our local economy.
Caroline for his entire life and supports the county by volunteering
In the 8th grade the focus is on career exploration and in a variety of ways. He currently lives near Greensboro with his
entrepreneurship culminating in a field trip to the Salisbury wife Jeanne and daughter Kelsey.
Civic Center where students find over 100 businesses in what
can best be described as a job fair for 8th graders called “JA
Truly fascinating about “JA Inspire” is that businesses that
exhibit there will not be hiring any of the attendees as they
are 8th graders. But what they are doing is meeting students
where they are and showing them what their business does,
how they do it, and the training and education necessary for
employment. They have direct conversations with potential
future employees, and students have the opportunity to ask
questions one on one with individuals who live their jobs
By the time you read this, a grand opening will have occurred
for the Perdue-Henson Junior Achievement Center in Kathleen Brenton
Salisbury. Serving all nine counties on the Eastern Shore Broker
and Accomack County Virgina, the Perdue-Henson Center
will expose primarily high school students to a unique and Cell: 410-829-3430
exclusive opportunity that is the culmination of the K-12
Junior Achievement Experience KĸĐĞ͗ ϰϭϬͲϰϳϵͲϰϲϲϯ
Much like the “Inspire” program students will conduct self-
assessment and interest activities to narrow their career ϭϬϳϵϰ 'ƌĞĞŶƐďŽƌŽ ZĚ͕ ĞŶƚŽŶ D
options tailored to their interests and abilities. Th e fi nal step
in this unit for students is another field trip to the Perdue-
Henson Center where they will be assigned a real-life family
situation. They will be assigned a job and a salary and from
there manage real life challenges, all while interacting with
real businesses that have paid for and man storefront replicas
of their actual businesses. There will be more about the grand
opening in next month’s article.