Page 20 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 20

half as likely to reenter the foster care system, experience teen
                                Caroline CASA                   pregnancy, suff er from drug and alcohol addiction or spend
                                                                time in jail.  They are more likely to graduate from high school

                                    Court Appointed
                                                                and find that permanent home and loving family. Resource

                                    Special Advocate            parents who foster and/or adopt children are also critical for
                                                                kids in the child welfare system and are greatly needed. If
                                                                that’s where you believe your calling is, please visit www.dhs.

                                                       to learn more.
            Every child deserves a safe, loving home where they can grow
            and thrive, right? Unfortunately, not every child in Caroline   Studies show that children in foster care benefit greatly
            County has that. There are children whose families simply can’t   from positive male role models, just as they do from CASA

            provide that safe environment filled with love.  When a child is   volunteers. In Caroline County, 60% of the children and youth
            experiencing abuse and/or neglect, child welfare intervenes and   we serve are boys, while only 10% of our volunteers are men.
            removes the child from the home. The child is then placed in   Do you want to be that game changer in a child’s life?  We

            foster care while the courts and the child welfare system work   invite you to attend our Veteran’s Day Heroes Breakfast to learn

            to find the best solution that will keep the child safe. Sometimes,   about CASA and the heroes who serve and protect children in
            when the birth parents can’t meet the requirements to ensure   foster care while we honor those heroic men and women who
            the child’s safety, their parental rights are terminated and the   serve and protect our country. The featured guest speaker will

            child is placed for adoption.                       be The Honorable J. Owen Wise, retired Circuit Court Judge

                                                                of Caroline County and founder of CASA of Caroline. Please
            In November, we celebrate National Adoption Month, a month

                                                                join us on Thursday, November 11 at 7:30 am at Denton Diner
            dedicated to raising awareness about the need for adoptive
                                                                for an informative and inspirational breakfast, sponsored by
            families for the many children and youth in foster care who are
                                                                Shore United Bank. For details, please visit www.carolinecasa.

            waiting to find their forever homes. There are many children
                                                                org.   Space is limited so reserve your spot today by contacting
            in Maryland and even here in Caroline County who want
                                                                Amy Horne at 410-479-8301 or
            nothing more than to become part of a loving and stable
                                                                Celebrate our American heroes while learning how you can
            family; children who want nothing more than to sit around
                                                                be a hero in a child’s life; you can “Change a Child’s Story”!
            a Thanksgiving or Christmas table and feel part of a family.

                                                                Th e Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention funded this project

            At CASA of Caroline, we train and supervise community
                                                                under sub-award number CJAC-2019-0004 and VOCA-2018-0063.
            volunteers who give voices to children in the Caroline County
                                                                All points of view in this document are those of the author and do not
            foster care system and are by their sides throughout the process   necessarily represent the official position of any State or Federal Agency.

            of finding that safe, loving, forever home. Our dedicated   This project is supported by a grant from the Maryland Judiciary’s

            volunteers advocate for permanent homes and ensure these   Administrative Office of the Courts number AOC-G20CA0225I.

            kids don’t fall through the cracks of an overburdened system.
            With a CASA volunteer on the case, these at-risk children are
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