Page 24 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 24

At the Club’s monthly dinner meeting on   are provided by a local sporting goods
                                               October 12, the Marydel Lions Club offi  -  store, the Tuckahoe Sportsman at 22145
                                               cers were formally installed by District   Shore Highway in Denton.
                                               22B Governor Lion David Studley. Th ose
                                               folks currently serving as officers are   To purchase an RLC Sportsman’s raffl  e
                                               Lion Terry Higgins, President; Lion   ticket, see any Ridgely Lions Club
                                               Lee Voshell, First Vice President; Lion   Member or stop by the Tuckahoe
                                               Debbie Deene, Second Vice President;   Sportsman and All About Hair Salon
                                               Lion John Tucker, Recording Secretary;   in Ridgely. For more info on the raffl  e,
               New Members Welcome at          Lion Sharon Burge. Treasurer; and   go to Facebook/Ridgely Lions Club or
                   Preston Lions Club          Lion Martha Higgins, Corresponding  or email us at
            The Preston Lions Club is seeking new

            members to help with our community   Please know that 100% of all of the   Proceeds from this fundraiser will be
            activities. The club meets in-person from   monies raised by our Club’s fundrais-  used to support Lions Club programs

            6:30 to 8 p.m. on the second and fourth   ing activities is returned to the children,   and projects, such as vision screenings,

            Thursdays each month in the fall, winter,   youth, families, adults and seniors who   hearing aid and eye glass donations,
            and spring.                        reside in the towns and environs of the   youth sport team sponsorships, literacy
                                               greater Marydel area through our Club’s   and other programs in local schools,
            The club meets at the Preston Community   projects and programs. To that end one   Ridgely Christmas lights and parades, the

            Center building at 114 Williamson St.,   of the projects that will begin at the   annual Lions International Peace Poster
            Preston, near the carnival grounds. Th e   Club’s forthcoming membership meet-  Contest, a durable medical equipment
            Lions Club makes the community center   ing on November 9 will be the initial   loan closet and community festivals.
            available to community organizations   discussion of our Christmas Food   Donations also made to numerous local

            and individuals for event rentals.  Baskets Project for those in need.  charities and nonprofits.

            The Preston Lions Club supports youth   Membership is open to those individu-  To support local Lions Club projects
            and other activities, conducts vision and   als and couples that have a desire to   with the purchase of a Sportsman Raffl  e
            hearing tests in schools, and works for   serve their fellow community members.   ticket, call Lion Ross Harper at 410-336-
            the betterment of our community. We   Inquiries can be directed to Terry   1791,  Lion Dave Davis at 443-786-2547,
            collect used eyeglasses, support training   Higgins at terryhiggins38@outlook.  or Lion Gerry Sutton at 443-786-0848.
            for guide dogs, and provide a scholarship   com or 302-492-3354 or 302-363-5823.   If you are interested in helping your
            to a Colonel Richardson High School   Remember that, as members of the   community and joining a local service
            senior.                            Marydel Lions Club, We Serve because   organization, the Lions club would love
                                               We Care, We Help, and We Accomplish!  to hear from you. Contact Lion Joe
            Our activities are funded through annual                             Riley, Lions membership chairman, at
            events, such as the Preston Carnival and   Need a Gift Idea for Christmas   410-935-7052 or ridgelylions@verizon.
            the Beef & Shrimp Dinner and Auction.                                net.
                                               - The Ridgely Lions Club’s 2022

            If you are interested in joining the club,   Sportsman’s Raffle Ticket Makes
            stop in and join us for a meeting or call   a Great Stocking Stuffer     Caroline Cycles
            Matt at 410-673-1240 x1128 or Ed at

            443-786-0323 for more information.  The Ridgely Lions Club is selling chances   Caroline Cycles is a Caroline
                                               on their annual fundraiser the January   County based cycling group.
                  Marydel Lions Club           2022 Sportsman’s Raffl  e. A daily raffl  e   Monthly rides are 20-25 miles in
                                               prize is awarded each day in January
            Thanks to the great support of the                                     length.  Riding pace for the group
                                               based on the Maryland Lottery 3-Digit
            good folks in the local communities of                                 will vary between 12-16 mph and
                                               Evening drawing. For a $20 donation
            the Marydel area the members of the                                    a designated “sweeper” rider is
                                               to the Ridgely Lions Club you have 31
            Marydel Lions Club were pleased that                                   assigned for each ride.
                                               chances to win on every raffle ticket
            our BBQ Chicken Dinners were sold out
                                               from Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2022. Looking for a   All cyclists must wear helmets.
            close to Noon on October 9 at our host,
                                               great stocking stuffer for Christmas, then   Bikes should be equipped with

            State Line Gas, in Marydel. Our Club’s
                                               the Ridgely Lions Club Sportsman Raffl  e   front and rear lights. Bright
            outstanding success was due, in large
                                               is your ticket. Prizes include everything   colored clothing is encouraged.
            part, to the excellent advertisement for
                                               from a Benelli Ethos 12 GA shotgun to a
            the event that appeared in the October                                 Contact Tony Gianninoto at
                                               one-bushel SS Harford steamer pot to a
            issue of the Caroline Review.                                 or call/
                                               Wicked Ridge Black Hawk Crossbow to
                                               an Engel 50qt.cooler. Prizes in the raffl  e   text 410-924-7402.
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