Page 28 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 28

Events at Tuckahoe                 Walks and Hikes                   Arboretum on Nov. 6 at 10  AM.
                                               Senior Walk:  Meet just past the   Registration is required. Call 410-634-
            and Martinak State                 Martinak State Park Office, on the left ,   2847.

                       Parks                   at 10:30 AM on Thursdays for a guided   Explore Your Park Walks: Meet at the
                                               walk on a paved trail and camp loop.   Tuckahoe State Park Offi  ce on Friday,
            A variety of walks are scheduled this   Meet on Tuesdays at Adkins Arboretum   November 5 at 10:00 AM for a 2 mile
            month throughout the county. Walking   at the Visitor Center at 10:30 AM to walk   guided walk. Explore the various plants
            is a safe and effective way to start or   easy trails. Both walks are approximately   and trees along the way. Also, meet up
            continue a walking program. Th e cooler   1.5 miles in length or about 3,000 steps   to walk with others at the following
            weather and fall colors are waiting for   and plenty of benches are available for   community parks. We will meet at 1
            you!                               resting and enjoying nature.

                                                                                 PM on Thursdays at the South County
            Events                             Fitness Steps: Meet at the Martinak   Regional Park on American Corner Rd.
            Turkey Trot: It’s back! It wouldn’t be   State Park Nature Center on Tuesday   and at 1 PM at the Marydel Community
            Thanksgiving without the Turkey Trot!   and Thursday morning at 8:00 AM for   Park on Tuesdays. It’s a great way to get

            This walk/run will be held on Saturday   a 2 mile brisk walk that includes body   exercise and meet new people!
            morning on November 20. For more   weight exercises and resistance bands.
            information, call Caroline County   Guaranteed to shape your legs and arms!
                                                                                 AM Stretch: Meet at Martinak State
            Recreation and Parks at 410-479-8120
                                               First Saturday Guided Walk: Discover   Park Amphitheatre on Tuesday for an all
                                               native habitats as you walk at Adkins   body stretch, and Th ursday mornings for
                                                                                 an energetic practice at 9:00 AM. Both
                                                                                 sessions are designed to improve your
                                                                                 flexibility, core development, and balance

                                                                                 through exercises and yoga. Please bring
                                                                                 a yoga mat or towel.
                                                                                 Craft and Art
                                                                                 Paint Aft ernoon: Paint a winter scene
                                                                                 on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 PM at the

                                                                                 Martinak State Park Nature Center. $25.00
              14374 Benedictine Ln | Ridgely, MD  21660                          fee includes instruction, materials, and
                                                                                 light refreshments. Covid safety includes
                  THE COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY                                      limiting participants, and masks are

                      AT MARTIN’S HOUSE & BARN                                   required. Advance registration required.
                                                                                 Call 410-924-1529 to reserve your seat!
                        (This is our new name, was previously Saint Martin’s Barn)
                                                                                 Adkins Arboretum Art Reception: Join
                    Drive-Thru Pantry and Thrift Store Hours:                    Liz Donadio, artist from 3:00 - 5:00 PM
                                                                                 at Adkins Arboretum as she discusses
                Tuesday, Thursday, Friday           Martes, Jueves, Viernes
                                                                                 her current nature exhibit.
                   8:30 am - 11:30 am                 8:30 am - 11:30 am
              Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm        Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm     Yarning at the Arboretum: Join us
                                                                                 for Yarning at the Adkins Arboretum

                  Thrift Store is also open First Saturdays 8 am-Noon            on Wednesday, November 10 from
                                                                                 2 to 4 PM. Bring yarn projects and a
                          FOOD ASSISTANCE:                                       chair for an aft ernoon of camaraderie
                           PLEASE CALL OUR BARN MANAGER                          and encouragement. Registration is
                                 AT 410.634.2537 EXT. 111                        suggested. Call 410-634-2847.
                                                                                 Check our website for more park
              RENT & UTILITIES ASSISTANCE:                                       activities by clicking on the calendar of

                   PLEASE CALL OUR HOUSING & SUPPORT SERVICES                    events.
                        COORDINATOR AT 410-634-2537 EXT. 105                     doit-md/?&ql=y&search=y Or https://
                 All staff at Martin’s House & Barn are following CDC guidelines
                                                                                 Parks or like us on Facebook at Caroline
                  for social distancing and  COVID prevention, including daily   County Recreation and Parks.

                              temperature checks and masking.
                                                                                 For more information call 410-820-1668
                     We ask that clients also please wear a mask and maintain
                                                                                 or email karen.gianninoto@maryland.
                   distance of six feet when staff bring the food to the vehicle.  gov.
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