Page 32 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 32

stickers in a letter holder by his front  So what did that sticker mean? There  this was her sarcastic way of thumbing
            door: one that touted his membership in  were so many angles to consider. Was  her nose at the latter-day Bohemian
            the NRA even though he never actually  she distraught? And if so, why adver-  causeheads that congregated there in self-
            belonged to the organization; one cele-  tise that fact? Colt had been through the  appointed unwashed glory even though
            brating the 400th anniversary of James-  typical ups and downs in his life: deaths  their parents were respected lawyers and
            town, where he could not decide if he was  of friends and family members, health  accountants in cities just a few hours
            more excited to meet the President of the  scares, defeats, disappointments, but had  away. Or maybe she was one of those
            United States or James Earl Jones; and one  done his best to move on and present  hipster dilettantes herself and the line
            that he had procured from eBay, possibly  himself as chipper as he could in public.  was an inside joke that would make her
            illicitly, that bore a striking resemblance  Maybe the driver of that Nissan wanted  smile haughtily whenever she thought of
            to the arrowhead logo found on all offi  -  people to know about her heartache. But  it or moreso whenever someone didn’t
            cial National Park Service vehicles. Colt  that would be too easy, too direct. Bumper  get it. Colt supposed momentarily it was
            wanted one badly but couldn’t find it in  stickers are seldom literal.  possible that this woman was another

            stores. He assumed a civilian like himself                           Lost Cause wanderer like himself, that
                                              It was tongue-in-cheek, he thought. If the
            was not supposed to have one and that                                she meant the bumper sticker to be
                                              bumper sticker had declared, “So mad I’m
            he was the benefactor of a disgruntled                               interpreted in equally opposing ways.
                                              seeing red,” then few would have given
            Department of the Interior employee                                  She too was looking for something that
                                              it a second thought.  Well, other than
            dumping classified contraband on the                                 could not be found. Something from
                                              to steer clear of that car, Colt decided.
            black market. He would gladly put that                               the past, something that may not have
                                              But the very point of bumper stickers
            emblem on his car, perhaps on the driver                             ever tangibly existed, some romanticized
                                              is to attract attention so that could not

            side door, but then would always wonder                              figment they both imagined blissfully as
                                              possibly be the reason. Had the driver
            if he would be apprehended during his                                they struggled with the present and the
                                              thought up the phrase herself and had
            next jaunt through a park and interro-                               future. She was humorously yet subtly
                                              it printed just for her? Perhaps she had
            gated under a dangling, naked lightbulb                              advertising this serious condition in the
                                              styled herself as Big Woman on Campus
            in a visitor center back room.                                       hopes that someone would understand
                                              at some generic liberal arts college and
                                                                                 her pained existence and fill the void, or

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                                                                                   Housebreaking accident.
                                                                                 Living room needs a new rug.

                    Have to buy new shoes.
                                                           Sharp puppy nails.
                                                        Need to buy a new couch.

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                 Just the bank you need.              TM            Chester - 1423 Main Street - (410) 643-2258
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