Page 33 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 33

that she already knew this person and envisioned them cross-  Colt had been standing on the steps outside the Sudlersville

            ing paths again in an improbable and idyllic reunion in Paris   post office for some time. Off the top of his head he could not

            or at least New Orleans.                            remember the location of his next destination. He got back in
                                                                his car and starting driving south regardless, entertaining the
            Colt smacked a mosquito from the back of his neck and
                                                                remote possibility of ever seeing an armadillo this far north.
            returned to reality.
                                                                Colt realized hours later he had neglected to take a picture of

            The Nissan was gone and he knew he would never see it or its   the Jimmie Foxx statue standing in the middle of town.
            driver again. Still, the thought of that would-be conversation
            preoccupied Colt. He considered ways of initiating the dialogue
            between them, of how he might entice her to drinks and dinner
            to unravel her angst and navigate her past. Of how he could
            explain his own worldview and spin his accomplishments and   Goldsboro Vol. Fire Co.
            travels and philosophy in a way that made him sound alluring.   700 Old Line Road, Goldsboro, MD
            Enigmatic. Artsy. Would she even respond if he were to ask her
            what the bumper sticker meant? Colt contemplated where they
            would go: Rock Hall? Oxford? Suicide Bridge? Denton? No,
            definitely not Denton. He did want to impress her a little, aft er                         Annual

            all. He had seen her for maybe fi fteen seconds but resigned
            himself to the fact that she was the type of woman to smile,
            say nothing, and head off into the twilight fashioning herself a                 Craft

            protagonist in some sophisticated unfi lmed movie.
            All Colt wanted was a straightforward answer. Not much more
            than light-hearted small talk with another stranger in a summer                 Show
            resort town waiting to be seated for dinner. He wasn’t a fl irt.
            He just wanted to know. It was an innocent pointed question
            at best. Sure, the conversation might segue into other topics as
            they discovered mutual interests: pets, concerts, annoyances,   SAT., NOV. 27  •  9 AM-3 PM

            What was in the letter she mailed? She had a cellphone in her   3 rooms            LOTS OF
            other hand the entire time she was in the parking lot. Clearly   of crafts        VENDORS
            it was a binding legal document that could not be emailed or
            reversed. Something that required a signature. Notarization,                           Contact:
            even. Was it having to drive to the post office that had agitated   Food available    410-924-6230.

            her or the contents of the envelope? Colt wondered if he had
            imagined her mindset. She could have been a content mother
            of three sending away a collection of UPC symbols so that her

            middle child could claim an offer from the back of a cereal
            box and this was just one more stop of many today. Th ere was
            something to be said for the unheralded everyday milestones
            of family life, Colt thought to himself, as he briefl y evaluated                 Commercial
            the importance of his travels.
                                                                                             or Residential
            Was the car even hers? Possibly she was a hardened criminal
            escaping from the jail in Church Hill, dropping off a rambling                    Call me for all

            and threatening note to the public defender who had bumbled                      your Real Estate
            his way through her case. She was reminding him that she is                      needs.
            the type of person that walks away from explosions without
            looking back; she would surely avenge her death before she                       410-924-4807
            died. Where would she go next? No matter which direction
            she went she was destined to be detected on the grid – there
            were EZ-Pass sensors scanning license plates on every bridge
            connected to the peninsula. If she drove straight east she would
            reach the ocean in an hour or two. Colt considered the precise                    BENSON & MANGOLD
            details of her getaway plan or lack thereof; he remarked silently                 110 Market Street
            it was either coincidence or irony defined as she saw crimson   Mike Shipley       Denton, MD  21629

            in the car she had chosen to steal.            
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