Page 36 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 36

Tips, Classes and
                                         H      ealth       C    orner            Programs to help

                                                                                  you live healthier!

                                               No matter your age or how long you’ve   •  Tell friends and family about
                                               been smoking, quitting improves health   your quit date.
                                               both immediately and over the long   •  Seek out support and free
                                               term. Giving up smoking is a journey,
                                                                                      resources, like the Caroline
             The Great American Smoke Out      and it can be hard, but you can increase   County Health Department
                                               your chances of success with a good    and the Maryland Quit Line,
                  By Leigh Marquess, RN        plan and support. Getting help through   1-800-QUIT-NOW.
                                               counseling and medications doubles or
            About 32.4 million American adults still                               •  Stock up on oral substitutes –
            smoke cigarettes, and smoking remains   even triples your chances of quitting
                                               successfully.                          sugarless gum, carrot sticks, or
            the single largest preventable cause of
                                                                                      hard candy.
            death and illness in the world. Smoking   Are you thinking about quitting
            causes an estimated 480,000 deaths   tobacco? Research shows that if you   •  Make sure you have lots of water
            every year, or about one in fi ve deaths.   pick a quit day that is within the next   on hand – this will help fl ush out
            More than 16 million  Americans live   30 days and stick to it, you’ll be more   those toxins.
            with a smoking-related disease.    likely to succeed in quitting. Every   • Think back to your other

                                               November, the  American Cancer         attempts to quit. Try to fi gure
            While the rates of cigarette smoking have
                                               Society sets aside the third Th ursday to   out what worked and what didn’t
            declined over the past several decades,

                                               encourage smokers to go the distance,   work for you. There is no one
            from 42% in 1965 to 13.7% in 2019,
                                               and to finally give up smoking. Why not   right way to quit; it’s whatever

            the gains have been inconsistent. Some
                                               pick the date of the American Cancer   will work for you!
            groups smoke more heavily or at higher
                                               Society’s “Great American Smoke Out”
            rates and suff er  disproportionately   on Thursday, November 18th, as your   Quitting tobacco is a process and it

            from smoking-related cancer and other                                takes a strong commitment over a long

            diseases. These populations tend to   quit date?                     period of time. Tobacco users may wish
            be those who experience inequities in   By quitting, even if it’s just for one   there was a magic pill or method that
            multiple areas of their lives, including   day, you will be taking an important   would make quitting painless and easy,
            those at lower socioeconomic levels,   step toward a healthier life — one that   but, unfortunately, there is no such
            those  without  college  degrees,  can lead to reducing your disease and   thing. Nicotine substitutes can help
            American  Indians/Alaska  natives,  cancer risk.                     reduce withdrawal symptoms, but they
            African American/Black  communities,                                 are most eff ective when used as part of
                                               Here are some tips to prepare for your
            LGBTQ communities, those in the                                      a plan that addresses both the physical
                                               quit date:
            military, those with behavioral health                               and psychological components of
            conditions, and others.             •  Pick your quit date and mark it   quitting tobacco. Quitting isn’t easy, but
                                                   on your calendar.             it’s worth it! Think about your reasons

                                                                                 for wanting to quit – Your health? Your
                                                                                 family? Your children? To save money?
                                     DOT/CDL                                     To have freedom from addiction? Th ere
                                                                                 are lots of great reasons to quit tobacco.
                           MEDICAL EXAMS

                                     Complying with New
                                  Government Requirements

                                                 FMCSA Certified Physician
                                                      C.E. Jensen, MD
                     Service         Competitive
                                        Price           410-924-8560

                          Evenings and Saturdays by appointment
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