Page 31 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 31

“Republican Candidate for Caroline County Sheriff with over 25 years of public service.”

                               Two Time Investigator of the Year  •  Officer of the Year
                                   FBI-LEEDA Certified Internal Affairs Investigator



                       Facebook (Steve Stouffer for Sheriff)  •
                                                                      Authority: Citizens for Steve Stouffer, Keli Jones,Treasurer

            more he realized he was drawn there by   “These are forever stamps,” said the clerk.   Nissan, with a collection of bugs splat-

            the same mentality that had sent him                                 tered across the grille. For that matter,
            criss-crossing the country in the first   Colt, confident to know his postage   the person driving it was just as indis-

            place. There was no way that those nine   would survive a nuclear holocaust, paid   tinguishable in a crowd: the woman with
            counties could compete with the rest of   for them and turned to leave. On his way   mousy brown hair and an equally bland
            the state of Maryland or with the city in   out, he noticed a corkboard on the wall   outfit walked a letter to the exterior blue

            general. There weren’t enough people,   and decided to peruse the advertise-  box and quickly drove off as if it was

            not enough revenue, not enough jobs   ments. Maybe there was a local festival,   a hassle to peel herself away from her
            to keep the best and brightest there. Yet   a new restaurant, anything really that   collection of digital devices and actually
            people did stay and the local commu-  might keep him out of the car and on   have to participate in the analog world.
            nities remained remarkably the same.   the Shore the least bit longer. Nothing of   Colt assumed she was not local but for
            Colt could discern no acute change in   note, he thought to himself. A beagle was   a moment speculated where she might
            any of the Delmarva towns each time   missing. Someone was offering small   be headed. It was a bumper sticker on
            he crossed a bridge to get there every   engine repair. A community yard sale   her car that had attracted his attention:
            couple years. He chuckled once at refut-  with a rain date was scheduled. A weight
            ing Heraclitus vis-à-vis rivers; the same   loss elixir promotion. Baby shoes (never   SO DISTRAUGHT I’M SEEING CRIM-
            held true for these tidewater towns. Colt   worn) for sale. A firehouse spaghetti   SON
            observed how the geography of the East-  dinner that happened two years ago.  Colt had reservations about putting
            ern Shore allowed those fourteen coun-  And then he saw it.          one on his own car. He enjoyed pithy
            ties to exist physically separate of the                             phrases and bad puns as much as the

            outside world, how the residents of Dela-  There was clearly little on the bulletin   next person, but could never pick just
            ware and those select parts of Virginia   board that interested him, but out of the   the right one for himself. He would settle
            and Maryland could willingly isolate   corner of his eye Colt noticed another   for only the best line ever – the funniest,
            themselves and be quite content with   vehicle pull into the post office park-  the most politically poignant, the most
            that isolation. If it could not be done on   ing lot. There was nothing out of the   fitting for him personally – but as of yet

            Delmarva, it was not worth doing.   ordinary about the car. It was gray, a   had not chosen or found it. He kept three
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