Page 30 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 30

Post Offi  ce: A                 just as alluring as the other. Colt was an   felt the tingling of being where time
                                               all-American boy in most other ways –   and place briefly intersected to create

                 Short Story                   he played every sport he could, followed   a lasting image. Colt wondered often
                                               those he couldn’t. He wanted to visit all   if anyone besides him even thought
                     by Chad Dean              50 states just to be patriotic and was   like that anymore, if ever. He kept a
                                               well on his way to accomplishing that   number of albums in his car, hoping to
                                               feat. He felt at home in a national park,   maintain if not mimic the mindset that
            “Book of stamps, please,” Colt said.
                                               a history museum, a brightly-painted   had produced them in the late 1970s,
            He was the only customer in the    American car with a loud engine. But   especially 1977. But listening usually
            Sudlersville post office at that partic-  he could not explain his fascination with   discouraged, rather than motivate him;
            ular moment. He had accumulated a   tragic heroes, with lost causes, with fatal   he knew the era of the country-rock-folk
            few weeks’ vacation that summer and   flaws. He was shocked as a little boy,   singer-songwriter was over and wasn’t
            decided a road trip was the best way to   when watching the North and South   coming back. Worse yet, he could not
            spend them. He had always been fasci-  miniseries, to discover the Confederacy   visit the year and the spot that inspired
            nated by the open road since he was a   lost the Civil War. He could have had no   these classic songs. The best he could
            boy, when his family piled into an old   real grasp on the causes of the war, the   do was patronize the tourist traps that
            station wagon or never-been-washed   racial undertones, the rhetoric of the   had been created because of them. Each
            Ford truck in pursuit of a part for one   abolitionist movement or states’ rights   might have been worth a pass through
            of their tractors or medicine for one of   demagogues. He was intrigued with the   town and a picture, but it was not and
            their dairy cows. Those days were in the   way the rebels carried themselves, their   would not ever be the same as it was.

            past for good - the farm had been sold,   dedication in the face of impossible odds,   His pursuit of baseball iconography was

            his siblings had scattered and pursued   their attractive flag he recognized in his   a different matter altogether. To him,

            their own lives – but the lure of the high-  youth was still flying here and there in   baseball was a language. The rules, the

            way still lingered as a fire in his belly. In   the countryside and in particular on the   uniforms, the strategy, the ballparks had

            fact, it was the primary intangible thing   state fair midway. In his twenties, he’d   not radically changed since the begin-
            that motivated Colt; sure, he needed   spent time in Richmond, in Charleston,   ning. Little leaguers in every town played
            to work to pay for his house, his car,   in Atlanta, hoping he could fi nd others   virtually the same game as the pros.
            and other bills, but what got him out   that shared that nostalgic if not quixotic   This was Americana, this was culture,

            of bed in the morning, what got him   mentality, but it was fading. Colt had   this was transcendent history he could
            through the doldrums of winter and the   gradually, subconsciously, allowed his   appreciate in the moment. Th e currency

            mountain of paperwork he had to sort   focus to shift away from the Old South   of baseball statistics, records, and anec-
            through week by week at his job was his   and towards faded stars of the sports and   dotal personalities was timeless. Colt
            love of travel. Not the normal sort of   celebrity world.
                                                                                 appreciated Field of Dreams and went to
            summer vacation, however. Th ere were
                                               Colt found himself in Key West on   Iowa to see the farm as instructed. Heck,
            no weekends at the beach, no Disney
                                               the trail of mellow subversives Ernest   in his own cattle pasture (they grew
            World on his itinerary. Ever. Colt stared
                                               Hemingway and Jimmy Buffett. He went   mostly soybeans as opposed to corn

            at maps, made lists, and then crossed his
                                               to Las Vegas and California and Houston   and furthermore it already had a fence)

            conquests off those lists. Call him eccen-

                                               to understand the brilliant madness   he devised a makeshift diamond so he
            tric, call him meticulous, call him OCD,
                                               of Howard Hughes. He retraced the   and the other neighborhood kids could
            but this quasi-obsession did make for
                                               route of Smokey and the Bandit but   emulate the movie. His school book
            some rather unique excursions to oft en
                                               limited himself to viewing the movie   reports any time he could get away with
            exotic albeit obscure locales in search
                                               only once a year lest he decide on boot-  it were about the W. P. Kinsella novel that
            of an iconic sign, dilapidated building,
                                               legging or truck driving (or banditry)   inspired the film. Colt, of course, could

            or battlefield statue, and on more than

                                               as a full-time career. He walked in the   not stop there: he knew he needed to go
            one occasion required passage through
                                               footsteps of Jesse James in Missouri, in   to Greenville, South Carolina, to tour
            several forgotten dirt-road counties
                                               Tennessee, in Kentucky, in Minnesota.   “Shoeless Joe” Jackson’s house and did
            using the coordinates of a decommis-
                                               He drove the same Lost Highway and   so. Three times. He crossed the border

            sioned highway to some buckling race-

                                               parked at the same West Virginia gas   into Georgia to find Ty Cobb’s house too,
            track really for no other reason than to
                                               station where Hank Williams spent his   reticently investigating if all the people
            please himself with the accomplishment
                                               last night. At some point he realized that   there in Royston were that passionate –
            of fi nding it.
                                               his heroes, for the most part, were dead.   or that paranoid. And now his pursuit of
            Colt was in Sudlersville looking for   He could only be where they had been   anti-heroes had brought him to Queen
            Jimmie Foxx. He knew that “Double X”   and often he and the locals encoun-  Anne’s County, Maryland.
            had been gone for half a century; Foxx   tered there, maybe not even all the locals,   He had been there before for rather
            drank himself to death aft er a Hall of   just the most dedicated ones [read: old   pedestrian reasons. The more time Colt

            Fame baseball career. The one detail was   people] appreciated the history and

                                                                                 spent on the Eastern Shore, however, the
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