Page 34 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 34

Recreation & Parks                the 9-10 year old boys and girls may   running/agility. This program requires
                                               be combined to make co-ed teams.   a parent or other adult to participate
                                               Practice dates may vary based on   with the child to work one-on-one,
            Check out the complete list of classes and
                                               registration numbers, coaches and   spending quality time while having
            online registration at carolinerecreation
                                               gym availability.  See table for ages and   fun. Each child will receive their own
            .org. Call 410-479-8120 for more info.
                                               locations.                        equipment, including two basketballs, 4
            36th annual Two-Mile Turkey Trot                                     cones, and a Start Smart shirt.
            For 36 years, this family event has   7–8 year-old practices run from 5:45 –
            marked the beginning of the holiday   6:30 pm (and 6:45 – 7:30 if we can make   4 year olds: 10:00 – 10:45 am, Saturdays
            season. Run, jog or walk this two-  multiple teams).                 11/6 – 12/18 at the Fretterd Community
            mile course from Denton Elementary                                   Center Gym, $89.
                                               9–10 year-old practices run from 5:30
            School to Martinak State Park and back.
                                               – 6:30 (and 6:45 – 7:45 if we can make   5-6 year olds: 11:00 – 11:45 am, Saturdays
            Th e first 75 registrants receive a special

                                               multiple teams).                  11/6 – 12/18 at the Fretterd Community
            gift and everyone is entered in the

            free turkey raffl  e.  Registration  check-  Middle School Basketball  Center Gym, $89.
            in begins at 8:15 a.m. and the race   Unleash your full hoops potential!     Tribal Belly Dance Level 1
            begins at 9:00 a.m. Post-race events will   Improve your dribbling, shooting,   Always been intrigued by Belly Dance?
            include the Choptank Supply Frozen   passing, rebounding and teamwork   Come out and try it!  American Tribal
            Turkey Bowling, Supersized Chicken   during weekly practices, then put   Style (ATS) belly dance is a modern
            Corn Hole, and plenty of COVID     your skills to use in four games   style of belly dance that uses set belly

            friendly refreshments. Fee is $10 per   played on Saturdays. The game dates   dance  movements,  with  distinct
            person or $34 for a group of four if   are: November 13, 20, December 4,   cues and transitions, to create dance
            registered by November 12th. Cost is   11 (December 18 make-up day).  All   improvisation in a group (tribe).
            $15 per person and $54 for a group of   participants will receive a jersey.  Game   Students will learn the basic belly dance

            four after November 12th.          times to be determined based on the   movements and format for how to
                                               number of teams from each school.     dance together as a group.
            Saturday, November 20 at Denton    Practice locations, days and times
            Elementary School; Race Time 9:00 am.  may be altered due to coach and gym   Ages 16 & up, Thursdays 11/4 –
            Jr. NBA Elementary Basketball      availability.                     12/16, 6:15 – 7:15 pm at the Fretterd
                                                                                 Community Center, room 104, $59.
            Unleash your full hoops potential.     Boys: Mondays 10/25 – 12/13, 6:00 –
            Using the Jr. NBA curriculum, players   7:30 at LMS, 7:00 – 8:30 at CRMS, $59.
            will work on dribbling, shooting,   Girls: Wednesdays 10/27 – 12/15, 6:00 –   Giving Grace
            passing, rebounding and teamwork   7:30 at LMS, 7:00 – 8:30 at CRMS, $59.
            during weekly practices. Teams will not                                    Food Pantry
            be divided by home school.  Instead,   Start Smart Basketball
                                               Help your child prepare to be successful
            sign up for the location and day that’s
                                               in organized sports and have fun   Second Saturdays of every month
            most convenient for you. Six weeks
                                               with them too by participating in this
            of games at CRMS will start Saturday,                                        Goldsboro Fire Co.,
                                               nationally recognized parent-child
            January 15, and run through February
                                               basketball program which will develop   Old Line Road, Goldsboro
            19 (make-up game on February 26).
                                               general motor skills as well as specifi c

            Specific practice times on each day                                      Food available from 7 AM until.
                                               basketball-related  skills.  Activities
            cannot be guaranteed and will be
                                               will include dribbling/ball handling,
            assigned once teams are put together.                                      For more information,
                                               passing/catching,  shooting,  and
            Depending on registration numbers,                                           call 302-270-1948.
                                     Jr. NBA Elementary Basketball - Practice Schedule
                                 Monday              Tuesday             Wednesday           Th ursday
             Denton              7-8 co-ed           9-10 boys           7-8 co-ed           9-10 girls
             Federalsburg        9-10 boys           9-10 girls
             Greensboro                                                  9-10 girls          9-10 boys

             Preston             7-8 co-ed                               7-8 co-ed
             Ridgely                                 7-8 co-ed                               7-8 co-ed

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