Page 52 - November 2021 Issue.indd
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change from year to year and your   added after 63 continuous days without
                                               current plan should be analyzed for any   proof of credible coverage after your
                                               changes moving forward into the New   initial enrollment period ends, which
               Spot                            the Open Enrollment period of October   Birthday. The penalty is set at 1% for
            Senior          Year. Due to ongoing Covid outbreaks,
                                                                                 is generally 6 months after your 65
                                               15 to December 7 will be efficiently
                                                                                 each month not covered times an annual
                                               handled by telephone and forms will be   base number. The base number for 2021

                                               exchanged through the mail.       is set at $33.6. This number can, and has,

                    Senior Moments                                               changed annually. This means that your

                     by Mary Moran             Now is the time to contact Mary Moran   penalty can go up, or down, each year
                       410-829-2535/ 410-490-3078  for assistance with evaluating your plans   dependent on the base number.
                                               medication availability, and the premium
                                               and tiering cost changes eff ective as of   Let’s say you did not have credible drug
            On November 11 our Nation observes
                                               January 1, 2022. It’s easy to do! Simply   coverage for 31 months. The formula
            Veterans Day. It is a special day set aside
                                               call 410-479-2535 and share your name   looks like this: 31 months X 1%=31 so
            for United States citizens and residents
                                               and address to receive our SHIP form   31 X 33.6=10.41… which they round up
            to thank our Vets across the country. On

                                               in the mail. Carefully fill it out, sign   to $10.50. Therefore a $30.00 monthly
            behalf of all of Caroline County I’d like
                                               the back, and return to the address on   premium becomes a $41.50 monthly
            to take this opportunity to thank each
                                               the form so you are ready for 2022!   premium. Once you are penalized,
            one of our Caroline County Veterans
                                               Remember: Your benefits checkup will   the penalty amount will be added to

            for your patriotism, service, and for all
                                               include eligibility evaluations that may   your RX “D” plan for as long as you
            the brave sacrifices made by you and
                                               help you save money using Medicare   have Medicare! Whatever drug plan
            your families. You have honored our
                                               Savings Programs, so be sure to include   you enroll in collects the penalty and
            nation by giving us your time, energy,
                                               your individual and household gross   forwards it to Social Security.
            and dedication to excellence.  We are
                                               incomes as requested on the form!
            grateful for your service and pray that                              As stated in last month’s column, there is
            you know that men and woman like you   For those who have put off enrolling in   a lot of advertising being pumped out by

            are what makes America Great…not the   Original Medicare part “D” prescription   mail and on the airways. Many diff erent
            politicians. Please know you will always   drug coverage, this is your reminder   types of companies are throwing the
            have our gratitude, love, and respect for   that part “D” is NOT optional for   “Medicare” word around! Th ese bozos
            serving your country and stepping up   those in Original Medicare. This   advertise to “Qualified Medicare
            to the plate in whatever capacity you are   Open Enrollment Period is your only   Beneficiaries”, thereby targeting a generic

            needed. Caroline County supports our   opportunity during the year to sign up   pool of folks they can hook and reel in to
            military and military families with a big   for a plan that will start January 1, 2022.     make a sale. They hit the jackpot and are

            “Thank You”, not only on Veterans Day   For those who failed to sign up for “D”   halfway home when someone responds

            but every day!                     when first eligible, there is a lifetime   to the adds with a question!  Remember
                                               penalty that is automatically added to   these fast-talking salespeople are trained
            Medicare Open Enrollment is now in
            full swing. Remember your Medicare   your monthly premium for not enrolling   to wear the consumer down with long
            Prescription Drug Plan coverage can   when you are eligible. The penalty is   sales pitches to sell you anything from
                                                                                 “Healthy Groceries/Meals Now Available
                          TURNING 65?                                            Monthly at no cost” to electric socks that
                                                                                 Medicare will pay for (wrong!)! Nothing
                                                                                 is free, and if a fast-talking salesperson
               Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options?                  starts the pitch, remember they don’t
                                   Let Me Help You!                              give a fig about you, so if you realize you

                                                                                 made a mistake, just hang up!
                                                                                 Always look for the small print disclaimer
                          Anthony Insurance Services                             on mailings or emails, indicating that
                          Ann M. Anthony                                         the advertiser is not affi  liated with the
                                                                                 Federal Government, such as Social

                                                                                 Security or Medicare. The disclaimer is
                                                                                 required by law to protect the consumer
                    Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans,
                                                                                 from misleading advertising.  If they get
                  Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans,               you on the phone ask them directly if
               Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance             they are government affiliated, and if not,

               Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 •  know it is nothing more than advertisers
                           22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629                  trying to set the hook! Simply hang up,
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