Page 54 - November 2021 Issue.indd
P. 54

Generally, family caregivers are happy   6. Offer to help the family with its to-do   Adult Day Care off ers respite day care

            to receive a helping hand, however most   list. Prepare a meal, run an errand or   for family caregivers. The center is open
            dementia caregiver is too busy to ask   provide a ride.              Monday-Friday 8:00- 4:00.
            for assistance. If you know a family
                                               7. Engage family members in activities.   The medical adult day care is designed

            caregiver, reach out, let the caregiver
                                               Invite them to take a walk or participate   to permit health impaired adults of
            know you are available.
                                               in other activities.              Caroline County to remain in their
            Caroline Medical Adult Day Care would   8. Offer family members a reprieve.   homes and community, living as
            like to share a few ideas from   Spend time with the person living with   independently as possible with dignity
            ,whether you are seeking to support a   dementia so family members can go out   and a renewed sense of quality of life
            person with Alzheimer’s or the person   alone or visit with friends.  through care in the least restrictive
            that cares for him or her, you will fi nd                             setting.  To learn more about the medical
            helpful ways to lend a hand – in ways   9. Be flexible. Don’t get frustrated if   adult day care in your community, please
            both big and small.                your offer for support is not accepted   call the facility at 410-479-8065 or visit

                                               immediately. The family may need time   the website at

            10 Ways to Help a Family
            Living with Alzheimer’s            to assess its needs.              Again medical adult day care would like
                                               10. Support the Alzheimer’s cause.  to congratulate Kathleen, our winner of
            1. Educate yourself about Alzheimer’s                                the Summerfest raffl  e. Also we would
            disease. Learn about its effects and how   Family members would like you to   like to thank everyone who contributed

            to respond.                        know:                             in making Summerfest 2021 a successful
            2. Stay in touch. A card, a call or a visit   “We need time to adjust to the diagnosis.”  event.
            means a lot and shows you care.                                          Federalsburg Senior Center
                                               “We want to remain connected with
            3. Be patient. Adjusting to an Alzheimer’s   others.”                November is a special time of the year
            diagnosis is an ongoing process and each                             when we think of all the things that we’re
            person reacts diff erently.         “We need time for ourselves.”
                                                                                 thankful for: family, friends, good health,
                                               “We appreciate small gestures.”
            4. Offer a shoulder to lean on. The                                  living in the U.S.A., our Senior Center,
            disease can create stress for the entire   People living with early-stage   and more.

            family. Simply offering your support and   Alzheimer’s would like you to know:  We’re also thankful for the many
            friendship is helpful.

                                               “I’m still the same person I was before   programs offered at our center such as,
            5. Engage the person with dementia in   my diagnosis.”               health information, exercise programs,

            conversation. It’s important to involve                              financial, medical and other topics of
            the person in conversation even when   “My independence is important to me;   interest to seniors.
            his or her ability to participate becomes   ask me what I’m still comfortable doing   On November 23, the seniors are
            more limited.                      and what I may need help with.”
                                                                                 planning to have a pot luck luncheon to
                                               “It’s important that I stay engaged. Invite   celebrate Th anksgiving.
                                               me to do activities we both enjoy.”
                                                                                 Lunch is provided at noon on Tuesday
                                               “Don’t make assumptions because of   and Thursdays for a donation of $2.75.

                                               my diagnosis. Alzheimer’s aff ects each   Crafts, games, and Bingo are offered
                                               person diff erently.”              each week.
                                               “Ask me how I’m doing. I’m living with a   The center is located above the
                                               disease, just like cancer or heart disease.”  Federalsburg Town Hall and is open
                                                                                 9:00 to 3:00 on Tuesday and Th ursday.
                                               “I can still engage in meaningful
                                                                                 Come join us!
                                               conversation. Talk directly to me if you
                                               want to know how I am.”           November Birthday:
            Pictured: Kathleen and Sherry      “Don’t pull away. It’s OK if you don’t   Nettie Gloster, November 16
                                               know what to do or say. Your friendship
            Caroline Medical Adult Day Care    and support are important to me.”
            would like to congratulate Kathleen,
                                               If you would like more information
            our winner of the Summerfest raffle.
                                               about Alzheimer’s dementia or family
            Also we would like to thank everyone
                                               caregiving go to or contact
            who contributed in making Summerfest
                                               the Caroline Medical Adult Day Care
            2021 a successful event.
                                               at 410-479-8065. The Caroline Medical

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