Page 36 - August 2024 Issue Web.pdf
P. 36
when it accepts the check for deposit, care. If you think there is something
Senior which can get you into trouble with wrong with a bill for services, first
a counterfeit check. The bank will
call your provider or facility to check
for errors in care or questions about
reverse the deposit when the fraud is
Spot discovered, but you are responsible to what provider you saw. If you still have
your bank for any money drawn on
questions call the billing department.
your financial institution from the fake If that does not clear up any questions,
check and will have to repay all funds call Mary Moran to get to the bottom
Senior Moments
spent from the counterfeit check. of it!
by Mary Moran
In this scenario, “sellers” who are Non-Participating Providers accept
410-479-2535 or 410-490-3078 selling large consumer items receive Medicare but do not agree to take
an email from a “buyer” offering assignment in all cases. This means
Reminder that bottom feeders are still to purchase the large ticket item. they accept Medicare Insurance, but
on the prowl, and with big purchases The buyer tells the “seller” that the do not accept Medicare approved
happening on the internet (such as payment will be made with a “cashier’s amount for health care services as full
cars, boats, large appliances), people check”, or “official check,” possibly payment. Nonparticipating providers
receive cashier’s checks that appear purchased by a third party who “owes can charge up to 15% more than the
legit, but are counterfeit. Know that the buyer money.” The buyer may Medicare approved amount for the
you are legally responsible for a mention that the check is greater cost of services you receive.
counterfeit cashier’s check. It doesn’t than the negotiated price to cover
make any difference if you cash the transportation charges, import/ export This is known as limited charging
check or make a deposit, the buck fees, or that the third party mistakenly and increases your out-of-pocket
stops with you for any funds you draw made out for the incorrect amount. cost to 35 %. (20% coinsurance +
from a bad check. The “buyer” then asks the “seller” to 15% limited charging.) If one has a
Supplemental “G” policy in place, the
You will have no recourse from the wire the excess funds to the “buyers” “G” standardized supplemental plans is
bank named on the counterfeit check. account after depositing the cashier’s the only supplemental plan that covers
They are not responsible for the crime. check. Red flags! Complicated is the the 15% excess charges. None of the
Therefore, as with any transactions way the shyster operates and is always other supplemental plans cover this
with unknown individuals, you trouble. Best to move on and drop that limited charging excess fee.
should always call the issuing bank buyer.
to verify any cashier’s checks validity On another note, SHIP would like Opt-Out Providers do not accept
before releasing any merchandise, to encourage everyone to open up Medicare at all and sign an agreement
depositing the check, spending any their mail containing the Estimate of to be excluded from the Medicare
of the proceeds, or transferring funds Benefits (EOB) from Medicare in your program. You are responsible for
to third party. Third party transfers Medicare Summary Notice (MSN). I the entire cost of your care. These
always raise my hackles. Be very wary know they tend to pile up, but eight providers can charge whatever they
of getting into third party transfers, months into the year is a good time to want for services. However, they
particularly overseas transactions. You evaluate what your covered costs and must follow certain rules to do so.
could get sucked into criminal money expenses have been. Look for billing They must supply you with a private
laundering activities. DO NOT call errors and make sure your services, contract describing their charges and
any telephone number that appears costs, and doctors jive. If you have a acknowledging that Medicare will not
on the check since it may connect you Supplemental Plan or QMB, check the reimburse you. Many psychiatrists
to one of the criminals. Get the bank’s EOB statements to be sure they are and psychologists opt out of Medicare.
phone number from the internet or picking up your out-of-pocket costs. Remember that chiropractic work is
directory assistance to confirm the not Medicare approved.
checks validity. Ideally, one should take Health care providers who are Reminder to all those folks with
that check to your bank and have them Participating Providers accept August Birthdays! You have 30
help you verify that the issuing bank Medicare and always accept Medicare days from the date of your birthday
and individual are legitimate before Assignment. Taking Assignment to change to a different Medicare
completing any transfer of property. means that the provider accepts the Supplemental insurance company
Medicare amount for health care
Know that you, and only you, are services as full payment, with you while keeping your current coverage,
legally responsible for a counterfeit being responsible for 20% of the cost. or can change your coverage with a
cashier’s check at your bank. Your Your provider submits a bill (files a different company, to save money.
bank’s funds availability policy claim), the bill gets processed and then It’s important to change companies
probably makes funds available the provider is paid directly for your for the best rate based on your age
only. The reason rates will be so much