Page 22 - March 2023 Issue
P. 22

Southrons like myself are dedicated fans of the Allman Broth-  Pennsylvania in 2013. Oddly, purchasing tickets to his show
            ers. I saw the band perform at Merriweather Post Pavilion   came with two free passes to the Pocono Cup race the next day.
            but without Dickey Betts. I tracked him down to a festival in   I was able to make contact with a childhood friend who lived
                                                                nearby; we went to both the concert and the race and had a
                                                                good time catching up.
             Calvary Baptist Church                             I went to Las Vegas for a wedding in 2015 and stayed several

                                                                days. This time, unlike Talladega, the gate at LVMS was wide
                   1120 Market St., Denton • 410-924-6404       open and I was able to drive all the way to the infield and pit

                  row. I rescued a feral puppy in Utah on the same trip, another
                            Don Reynolds, Pastor                memorable highlight.
                        10 AM  Sunday Bible School – All ages   My favorite movie ever ever ever in the history of ever is

                        11 AM  Exciting Praise / Worship        Smokey and the Bandit. It was filmed in northwest Georgia in
                               Also, great Junior Church (5-11 yrs.)  1977. A fortieth anniversary celebration was organized in 2017
                          7 PM  Sunday Evening Worship &        with an aging Burt Reynolds as the guest of honor. Clearly a
                               Children’s Class                 man of destiny, I was chosen at random to ask him a question
                          7 PM  Wednesday Bible Studies         on stage prior to a stunt show at Atlanta Motor Speedway; I can
                                                                now die a happy man. I am sure he was thinking the same thing
                      Going Forward Together in 2023            about our chance encounter when he passed away a year later.

                                                                In the most Chad Dean thing you will read all month, I decided
                                                                to defy the COVID restrictions at the height of that foolish-
                                                                ness in 2020. I drove to Texas and back, noting that outside
                                                                of Maryland life continued as usual. There were no mask
                                                                mandates the farther west and south I traveled; the buff ets
                                                                were open, as was just about everything else. In your face,
                                                                Lockdown Larry. Anyhow, one of my most memorable fi nds
                                                                was what was left of Texas World Speedway outside of College

                                                                Station. The venue was state of the art when it opened in 1969

                                                                but was not used by the Winston Cup Series after 1981. Th e

                                                                directions included turning off of a paved road, then turning

                                                                off the road completely. I cautiously but triumphantly steered

                                                                my SUV through a field thick with brush until I came to one
                                                                solitary abandoned shed-like structure and the vague oval
                                                                outline of a track that had long since been reclaimed by nature.
                                                                Satisfi ed with my detective work, I also visited the site of the
                                                                1993 Waco siege (part of the Advanced Placement United
                                                                States History curriculum I teach) and then the hometown of
            Photo Above: Chad Dead being held by his father standing
                                                                Don Henley -- the greatest living American musician and the
            next to four-time Indy 500 winner Rick Mears
                                                                pride of Linden in Cass County -- before reluctantly returning
                                                                to Ridgely, but at least with a collection of Eagles songs and
                                                                solo albums on the radio.

                                                                We were installing new flooring in our house in 2021. Th e local
                                                                Lowe's locations were all out of what we needed. Th eir website,
                                                                however, indicated that a store near Syracuse had the neces-
                                                                sary supplies in stock. I immediately volunteered to drive up
                                                                there; my wife was impressed with my heroism, not knowing
                                                                that the NASCAR circus was at the Watkins Glen road course
                                                                in western New York that weekend. I guess she knows now.
                                                                Your mileage, literally and figuratively, will vary as you attempt

                                                                the suggested bucket list. Like me, you may find that while
                                                                NASCAR can be the cornerstone of Americana that it aspires
                                                                to be, perhaps the real story is the life experiences you will
                                                                blissfully absorb on the way to your own personal fi nish line
            PhotoAbove: Chad Dead at Buffalo Wild Wings with    with stock cars as the backdrop. Good luck on running your

            Danica Patrick.                                     race to completion.

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