Page 26 - March 2023 Issue
P. 26

Caroline County Public Library
              Library Corner                                                      
                                  by Carolyn Al-Ghusbi

                     Library Hours             read, write, sing, talk, and play. This   March 25, 2pm, Room 104 at the
            DENTON                             month’s kit includes color matching and   Fretterd Community Center, 107
            Monday through Friday: 10 am - 6 pm  counting.                       South Fourth Street, Denton
            Saturday: 10 am - 2 pm
                                               Kits are available until they’re gone.   MakerSpace Open Lab
            FEDERALSBURG                       Designed for children aged birth to age
            Monday, Wednesday, Th ursday and   5.                                Did you know the library has educational
            Friday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm                                        STEM kits? Come to our Makerspace
                                               March 6, All Branches
            Tuesday: Noon-2 pm and 3-8 pm                                        Open Lab to see what we’ve got and try
            GREENSBORO                            Meet the Author: Ernst Selig   it out. Available kits may include Snap
                                                                                 Circuits, microscopes, Magnatiles, and
            Monday through Friday
                                               The Caroline County Public Library   more!
            10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm
                                               invites you to another Meet the Author
            *For programs requiring registration, visit   event featuring Ernst Selig, who will   Kids ages 5 and up are welcome.
   or call 410-479-1343.  discuss his new autobiography, “Memoirs   March  27,  4pm,  Federalsburg
                                               of a 16-Year-Old Immigrant: Forged
            Visit us upstairs during renovations for   in Adversity, Crowned with Honor”.   March 30, 4pm, Greensboro
            public computers, print, scan, and fax   Beginning with his emigration to the
            services, and a small browsing collection.   United States from Nazi Germany as a   Upcoming
            Th e fi rst floor of the central library will   teenager and detailing his world travels   Celeste-Marie Bernier

            continue to be closed for construction. For   with the U.S. military, Mr. Selig’s memoir   Presentation about the
            more information, visit  shares nearly 100 years of personal
                                               experience and wisdom gained in a life   Fredrick Douglass Family
                                                                                 The Caroline County Public Library and

                         New                   marked by tumult, perseverance and

             Take, Play, and Learn Activity Kit  public service. This is Mr. Selig’s second   Caroline County Historical Society are

                                               book. His first book was published in
                                                                                 pleased to partner with the Frederick

            Need a fun indoor activity to do with   2014 and is entitled “The Troops Need
                                                                                 Douglass Honor Society, Easton, to
            the little ones? Pick up a Take, Play, and   Knowledge, Training and Justice”, which
                                                                                 host Dr. Celeste-Marie Bernier for
            Learn Activity Kit. Each kit includes   covers his 22 years of military service in
                                                                                 a presentation about the Family of
            an item to make with your child. Th e   the United States Army. Copies of his
                                                                                 Frederick Douglass on Th ursday, April
            activity is based on one or more of the   new book will be available for purchase.
                                                                                 6 from 5 pm - 6 pm at the Museum of

            five practices that build literacy skills:
                                                                                 Rural Life in Denton. Professor Celeste-
                                                                                 Marie Bernier is Chair of United States
                                                                                 and Atlantic Studies at the University
                                                                                 of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. She is the
                                                                                 author, editor, and curator of over 85
                                                                                 books, exhibitions, essays, and digital
                                                                                 educational resources. Her forthcoming
                                                                                 books include Douglass Family Lives:
                                                                                 The Anna Murray and Frederick
                                                                                 Douglass Family Collected Works and
                                                                                 Book 1-6, The Anna Murray and
                                                                                 Frederick Douglass Family Selected
                                                                                 Writings: A Reader, and Battleground:
                                                                                 African American Art (1985-2015). She
                                                                                 is the recipient of a UK Leverhulme
                                                                                 Major Research Fellowship Award
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