Page 30 - March 2023 Issue
P. 30
Greensboro towns. The Greensboro Connects Offi ce Food Pantry: Aarons Place
provides those who do not have the
Connects financial resources or transportation Senior Services: Senior Community
a more convenient location to access Employment Program, MD Department
of Labor, Minority Outreach Technical
Greensboro Connects Initiative needed services and programs.
Assistance (MOTA) Fitness in Action
The Greensboro Connects Initiative Based on the 2020 census, 27.5% of the Program
is a program that connects multiple residents of the Town of Greensboro In addition to these 13 service areas,
services with residents of the Town of live below the poverty level. Those at or Greensboro Connects has a Food Pantry
Greensboro and surrounding areas. Th is below the poverty level are more likely that provides service five days a week,
initiative provides an offi ce-style physi- to utilize Greensboro Connects due to a seven hours a day with evening hours
cal space to organizations including lack of economic resources and/or lack the first and third Thursday of each
non-profits that provide a service to the of transportation. month. The Greensboro Connects Food
community. This initiative provides services in 13 Pantry not only offers food but also
Caroline County has a lack of public diff erent areas offers clothing and hygiene products
transportation. As a result of this situ- among others. One of the primary goals
Mental health services: Caroline County
ation, our Community Outreach/Main of the Greensboro Connects initiative
Health Department, Mid Shore Behav-
Street Coordinator began the task of is to raise awareness on various issues
ioral Health
seeking solutions. The goal was to in our community such as: Substance
connect Greensboro residents with Substance Abuse Prevention: Maryland Abuse, Danger of Tobacco, Homeless-
critical services to minimize the impact Coalition of Families, Choptank Recov- ness, Green Energy, Community Garden
created by the lack of transportation ery, Mid Shore Behavioral Health (Safe benefits, Hydroponic systems, Nutrition,
in the area. Due to the lack of public Station program) and Child Abuse Prevention, among
transportation in the area, low-income Family Resources: Maryland Rural others.
families find it difficult to travel to access Development Corporation, Caroline With this initiative, residents of Greens-
these services that are located about County Department of Social Services, boro and the northern area of the
35-45 minutes away.
University of Maryland Extension county have benefited from the prox-
Those organizations who are part of the (UME), Caroline County Judy Center imity of services. Eventually health and
Greensboro Connects Initiative have the art components will be incorporated
Youth Program: Caroline County Youth
opportunity to provide services to resi- into the initiative. In this way, families
Soccer Association, Greensboro Police
dents of Greensboro and North County could access free health services with-
Department Community Basketball
out worrying about transportation, and
Program, Minary’s Dream Alliance
young people could learn more about
Perfect Touch Banking Services and fi nancial literacy: the arts.
Truist Bank, Shore United Bank and
The Greensboro Connects Initiative has
M&T Bank
been recognized through the Commu-
Mentoring, Children & Youth Advocacy nity Development Network of Maryland
Hair Design as the Best Community Development
Programs: Big Brother Big Sister of the
Eastern Shore, CASA of Caroline, Th e Cross Sector Collaboration 2022. In
1143 Shore Hwy. Denton ARC addition, our Community Outreach/
410-479-2833 Main Street Coordinator has been in
Homelessness prevention: His Hope
Ann Draper & conversations with other nearby towns
Lisa Young (Murray), Stylist to replicate this program and continue
Over 30 years combined experience serving residents of Caroline County in
Legal Services: Mid Shore Pro Bono
diff erent ways.
Immigration services: Chesapeake
Multicultural Resource Center Greensboro Connects Initiative is
located at 111 South Main Street Greens-
Happy Business resources: Caroline County boro MD 21639 (Side Entrance). For
St. Patrick’s Day Chamber of Commerce, Caroline more information and services sched-
County Economic Development
ule, contact Angel Perez, Community
Outreach/Main Street Coordinator
Appointments Appreciated Educational Resources: Greensboro or 410-482-
Walk-Ins Welcome Elementary School, Zero Deaths MD 6222 ext. 5
Department of Transportation, Caro-
Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
line County Public Library, Greensboro
Wed., Closed; Saturday 9-noon
Historical Society